Chapter 8 Hideaway

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Mattia and me are holding hands running down to the back of school into the field. I look back and still see the druggies after us.
Mattia: "Shit, they won't leave us alone!"
I look around and see we are trapped with fences all around the field. The fences weren't too high but if we jumped the fence we would be at an advantage. I pull Mattia to the fence and start climbing it.
Mattia: "What are you doing we aren't gonna make it."
I look at him in the eyes.
You: "Trust me Mattia."
I put my hand out to help pull up Mattia. He stares at me for awhile then grabs my hand. Since he was tall he could easily get over the fence, as for me I was kinda stuck. When Mattia got to the other side he pulled me down and we looked back to see if the druggies were close. They ran across the field as fast as they could after us. Right then two male teachers come out and grab the druggies.
Druggie #3: "Let go of me!"
Male Teacher 1: "Oh no your not going anywhere young man."
Druggie #1: "There is people across the fence!"
Male Teacher #2: "Yup the drugs are kickin in, take them to the office."
Me and Mattia look at each other and run to the woods behind us.

I wake up and see I was sitting up on against a tree. Mattia head laid across my lap dead asleep. I wiggle Mattia a bit so he can wake up. He slowly opens his eyes and then gets up after seeing he was sleeping. I grab my backpack that was laying next to me and take my phone. It was 1:00 pm!
You: "Damn we slept for about 6 hours!
Mattia starts laughing at what I said in shock.
You: "Well we look lost... In the woods too."
Mattia gets up and grabs his backpack.
Mattia: "We aren't lost, I know my way around."
He starts walking down the woods, I get up and  start following him. As I follow him I realize how much me and Mattia get along. He's always there for me and knows what to do.
You: "What was their problem anyways. Those druggies."
Mattia stops in his tracks. He looks down at the ground.
Mattia: "They are druggies, they are my dealers. They give me stuff to vape. I didn't pay them for a month, I hid from them. Now you probably think I'm a bad-bad person."
I felt so bad for Mattia, why would he ever think about himself like that? I run up to Mattia and give him a back hug.
You: "Don't talk about yourself like that ever. I know you struggle to be a good person but trust me, everyone makes mistakes. I'm so glad I got to meet a person like you."
Mattia turns around and hugs me tight. I could tell my words moved him. He stops hugging me and smiles at me. Then a quick sudden movement he kisses my cheek.
Mattia: "I hope that melts your heart!"
He starts running and laughing as he ran. I stand there in shock. I started laughing and chased after him.
You: "I pull the reverse card!"
I knew that my feelings for Mattia was real, I didn't want to lose him. I will risk my life for him.

I was walking across the train tracks as it was dawn. Just then I see flash flicker behind me. I turn around and see a boy who was probably the same height as me with pretty long short hair with a camera out. Mattia looks back as well and sees how startled I was. I walk backwards and fall into Mattia. He catches me and laughs.
Mattia: Kairi! We were looking for you!
I look at Mattia in shock.
You: "We were?"
Kairi chuckles and pulls the photo of me out of his camera. Mattia comes over and grabs the photo.
Mattia: "I'll keep this forever."
Mattia kisses the photo and that makes me go red.
You: "Stop let me see it first I'm probably so ugly!"
I go over to him and try to get the photo. But Mattia lifts it up so I can't reach it. We were laughing playing with each other. Kairi clears his throat and that stops us.
Kairi: "Okay lovers, making me feel single real hard. Anyways, the whole gang is at my house so why don't y'all come over."
Mattia looks at me and I nod my head as a agree to go.
Mattia: "Well lets get the party started."

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