Chapter 5 Mattia's Story

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I wake up and see that I'm in Mattia's bedroom again. I'm on his bed and I'm covered with a blanket. I look inside my blanket and see I still have my underwear on. I look around to see if anyone was nearby. Just then I see Mattia walk into the door with bags full of snacks.
Mattia: "Your finally up."
I roll my eyes and sit up straight.
You: "What even happened after the whole thing."
Mattia sets the bags on his counter and heads over to me.
Mattia: "Well Alejandro headed home and your mom texted you saying she's going to leave town to work somewhere for a bit."
I look at Mattia in shock.
You: "Where am I suppose to live? My clothes-my school stuff!?"
Mattia shushes me before I could continue more.
Mattia: "Well I hope you don't mind that you could live with me."
I was surprised by what Mattia has said to me! Living with him was the biggest step I could ever take. I sit there in silence thinking about my choice.
You: "Alright... But only till my mom comes back."
Mattia: "Of course, just be happy I'm nice enough to not kick you out."
I smile at Mattia and look around for something to cover me up. Mattia grabs his shorts from a dresser and tosses it to me.
Mattia: "Your gonna have to wear some of my clothes for a while."
He says that with a smirk and heads to the bathroom.

Me and Mattia both sit on his bed watching TV. I couldn't believe how close me and him got in a matter of a day. But I enjoyed it a lot, not because he was hot. But because I felt like I had an actual friend.
You: "So Mattia, tell me about your life since you already can see how mine is..."
Mattia looks at me and then puts the chips he was eating to the side.
Mattia: Well I don't have a good- you know reputation.
You: "What do you mean reputation? Your nice for letting me stay here till who knows."
Mattia laughs a bit and then continues to talk.
Mattia: Yeah well there's a lot you don't know about me. I'm not as "nice" as you think.
I look at him but he doesn't try to make eye contact with me, he just keeps his eyes on the TV.
Mattia: "I got kicked out of 3 schools here, this would probably be my last high school if I get kicked out here."
You: "What do you mean? Why are you getting kicked out?"
Mattia: "Well one of them did find out I was doing my parents signatures and I got kicked out but. I have bad temper... I get into a lot of fights with gangs and I do owe some debt."
This time I see that Mattia looks sad. I see tears form in his eyes.
Mattia: "I do wanna change, I wanna stop. But it's like a drug, I can't seem to not have control over it. Everyone calls me "Bad Boy Mattia." I can honestly see why now."
A tear streams down his face. I sit up in shock and grab Mattia's hand. I hold it as a way to make him feel better. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. Just then I feel Mattia come closer to me face. It happened in a blink, my lips were pressed against Mattia's soft lips. I couldn't process what was happening but it was a good feeling. My heart starts beating faster.

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