Chapter 3 Mattia's Place

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Mattia and me sprint down the alley and make a sharp right curve. I follow Mattia not caring where we were going. We keep running till there was a brick wall in front of us. I stop running and look around. "We are cornered, where do we go?" I say out of breath. Mattia stops and looks back at me and points to this white rusty door hidden between a building. "Follow me trust me." he says out of breathe as well and then runs to the doorway. I run after him and follow where he was going. He opens the door and pulls me in quickly. I trip a bit and my head hits Mattia's chest. He slams the door shut and we both stand there out of breath. In front of me I see a door wide open and LED lights up on the border of the room. Mattia turns around and heads to the room. I slowly follow behind him. "Well guess what? Your in Mattia's room. How does it feel?" he says sarcastically and sits on his bed. My eyes get wide by what he says. "Huh? Why do you- why is your room- I-." I say in shock questioning everything. Mattia rolls his eyes and looks at me annoyed. "See here, I don't live with my parents. They left me when I was in 8th grade. I've been living alone by myself here." he says looking down. I felt sad for him, I had a lot of questions to ask. Like how is he even enrolled in school and why did his parents leave him. But I decided not to bring it up and not upset him more with my dumb questions. I sit next to him and put my hands in my lap. "I don't think I have a home too. Me and my mom got kicked out of our apartment, that dude chasing me-well us, was my landlord." I mumbled to Mattia in a quiet tone. He looks at me and I could see pity on his face. It's quiet for a moment, you can hear the cars nearby on the streets. I break the silence and stand up to call my mom. "Hello hun! Oh my goodness our door is locked and our key isn't working! I am at one of my friend's house right now. Where are you?" my mom says in a worry tone. I look back seeing Mattia on his phone. "I'm at a friend's house too." I whispered, trying to not let Mattia hear. "Well that's great to know your safe. I knew you were a smart girl. I'll have something figured out tomorrow so tell your friend you have to sleep over." my mother says with some happiness in her voice. I choke a bit on the words my mom said. "Alright then." I say and I end the call. I look at Mattia with fear in my eyes. He looks up and I could tell he could read my face. "What's the matter." he says with his cool tone voice. I push my hair behind my ear and look down. "Well, I was wondering if I could stay a night here." I mumbled looking down still. Mattia sighs and grabs one of his pillows on his bed. "Just one day." he says and throws the pillow on the ground. I look at the pillow and nod my head. This was gonna be a "great" night.

I lay on the ground with my almost half dead phone. I don't have a charger and I didn't want to bother asking Mattia. I see Mattia is laying on his bed on his phone as well. I peek and see he's on Tik Tok. I laugh a bit by surprise that he has the app. Mattia peers over his shoulder and sees that I was snooping on him. "Hey!" he yells and throws one of his pillows at me. I start laughing harder at the embarrassment on his face. "I'm not judging I promise." I say while holding in another laugh. I couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing again. Mattia gets up from his bed and starts coming towards me. "I'm gonna fuck you up man!" he chuckles and charges at me. I hop onto his bed to get away from him while laughter. I see that he left his phone open with Tik Tok on his bed. "Ooh lets see who Mattia follows." I jokingly say as I grab his phone. "Stop no!" he yells and charges at me. This time he gets me. I roll onto Mattia and our head bump into each other. Our faces were so close I could smell his minty breath. I realize how good facial features Mattia had. His eyes were so tempting to stare into. We stare at each other for a couple minutes and I realize Mattia's hand was on my waist. His face gets red as he saw where his hands were placed. I get off of him and go to my bed on the ground. "Sorry there." he mumbles under his breath and turns around. "Um I'm gonna head to bed." I say and I turn around as well. But I couldn't fall asleep at all. I couldn't stop thinking about the moment I had with Mattia.

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