Chapter 11 That Night

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I walk to the salon that was near by apartment. My mom use to get her nails and hair done here so I knew Rose the owner pretty well. I open the door and walk in, a little bell rings and I see her walk out of the nail room.
Rose: "Oh my! It's been a while since I've seen you!"
We run up to each other with a big hug. She's been like my second mom to me. I explain to her how I'm going to the dance.
Rose: "Okay I see you! I know just the thing to do for you!"
She pulls me to a chair in front of a big mirror.
Rose: "I'll start with your hair honey. I think it's the one that needs the most work."
She picks up a straightener and starts heading to work.

My hair was silky and I had a small braids tied to the back of my hair. My makeup was snatched! I had a lot on for me since I've never wore makeup. I had this golden eyeshadow with some lipgloss on and my face all powdered up. I walk out of the bathrooms with my dress that Kairi bought me. Rose looks at me with tears in her eyes.
Rose: "Wow, your so pretty and you covered that all up."
I hug Rose as I started to tear up. Nobody ever told me that I should try. So hearing someone say that made my confidence go up and made me feel so happy.
You: "I can't cry my makeup."
We both laugh and stop hugging each other. Just then Rose looks at my shoes.
Rose: "What is that! Why are you wearing your sneakers!"
You: "I don't have heels, I mean converse is fine?"
She runs into her office room, she comes out with this dusty shoe box. She blows it off and then slowly opens it. It was bright gold with real diamonds glued to it all around.
You: "Rose! Those are beautiful! I-I can't wear that!"
Rose: "Oh yes you will, I saved these for the day it will come."
She puts the shoes on the ground and gestures me to try them on. I sit down and slowly put on the shoes, not trying to damage them. I get up and as I take my first step I fall. Rose and me start laughing our ass off.

I told Kairi to pick me up at the salon, I see him standing outside waiting for me. As I walk out Kairi's mouth was wide open. He looked like he was drooling.
Kairi: "When-how-your-"
You: "Stop staring at me like that, get in the car."
Kairi listens for me and heads to the driver seat. We pull up to this big building. I see everyone dressed up with their dates. I get outside and see flashing lights from the building and loud music. I was amazed, my first dance. I look to my left and see Kairi, I smile at him. I was thankful to have someone. He holds his arm out and looks at me. I laugh and grab his arm and we start walking in. I see everyone on the dance floor dancing and everyone standing around. It was so cool! I see Alejandro, Roshuan, and Alvaro at a table.
Roshuan: "Hey guys!"
I realize Mattia wasn't here. Alejandro realizes my face and grabs me.
Alejandro: "He didn't want to go, sorry."
I had a sad expression on my face. But then Alvaro grabs me and he takes me to the dance floor.
Alvaro: "Show me your moves."
So Bad by Lil Mosey turns on and Alvaro becomes possessed. He starts doing the slat and the woah. I laugh at him and copy him. The rest of the crew comes in and we all start dancing. I was finally having a fun! In the corner of my eye I see Mattia. He was actually in a suit. I stop dancing and start going towards him through the crowd.
Kairi: "Where are you going!?"
I ignore him, my focus was Mattia. I run up to Mattia but he tries turning his back on me.
You: "Mattia stop!"
Mattia stops and turns around to look at me.
You: "You know that night was just a mistake. You know I was drunk so what the hell is your problem!"
Mattia: "You kissed Kairi that's the problem."
You: "It was a misunderstanding!"
Mattia: "Sure! You hurt me, understand that?"
You: "So what the hell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends!?"
Mattia stops talking. He stares at me cause he knew I was right. Tears started to form in my eyes.
You: "Your hurt? Look at me Mattia and your friends!"
I show him my scar on my head and point at Kairi watching us. Mattia looks down with anger still in him. I couldn't believe it! I just ran down the hallway.
Mattia: (your name) wait!
I could hear him come after me but I ran. I ran with my heels on. I go outside out of breath, I started to cry. I see Mattia opening the door, I ran again down the sidewalk. I hear a snap and fall down, my right heel broke. I get up quickly and look back, Mattia was still after me. I was pinned by a road, I wanted to get away from the situation. I see the druggies coming down in a car, guess they were going here too but paying attention wasn't what matter. I started to cross the road, I felt mascara flowing down my face. I was trying to walk fast but one heel on was hard. The other heel breaks and I fall again in the middle of the road. I keep up quickly but then I see the druggies car lights flash in my face. Then right there, I flew up in the air on the car and rolled over. I started bleeding everywhere with pain, and then it went black.

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