Chapter 15 (LAST)

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We woke up around 6:00 am to get ready. I was nervous to go and leave my mom but Mattia reassures me that my mom would be fine. Mattia told me he texted the gang to meet us at the train station for our last goodbyes. Mattia told me he had to do something quick before we go off. He tells me to go outside real quick, I grab my backpack and carry it outside. Mattia walks outside with a big piece of paper on fire.
You: "What are you doing."
Mattia: "Saying goodbye to my home."
He holds the flaming paper and then tosses it in his room. A loud boom flares out of his room gushing out fire. I take my phone and smash it into the ground. I step on it and made sure it was broken. Mattia walks towards me and grabs my hand, we stared walking away from his burning home.
Mattia: Remember when you first had to sleep there."
I smile and nod my head.
Mattia: "When you kicked Alejandro in the balls too."
We both started a laughing a bit as tears started to form in my eyes. We walk past Sandybrooks High slowly. I stick my middle finger up to the school.
You: "The place that tortured me the most."
Mattia laughs and pulls me away as we continue walking.

We finally arrive to the train station. I see the whole gang waiting for us at the front. When they see us they all run to us. We all get in a big group hug. I started crying realizing how much fun my life has been so far. Kairi personally hugs me and rubs my back.
Kairi: "Will always visit don't worry."
I wipe my tears away and go back to Mattia.
Mattia: "Well guys we should hop on our train."
The boys nod and follow us to our train. Me and Mattia go up to the entrance to the train, I look back and wave the boys goodbye. We slowly enter and go to our seats. Mattia gave me the window so I could look out to the boys and say my last goodbye. The train started to go away slowly, the boys start chasing the train waving and jumping till we started going faster.  Roshuan trips over Alvaro has Alejandro and Kairi keep jumping up and down waving. Then they cut off as the train left. I look at Mattia, he had tears all in his eyes as well. We stare at each other and smile, I grab his hands and hold them. Then we both went in for a kiss till.

I wake up in Biology class. The bell had rung which woke me up. I wake up in shock and look around me. Mattia was no where, not even next to me. I run out of the room and look both ways in the hallways. There's no way that was all a dream! Just then I see a figure like Mattia's. I run after him, bumping through all the crowds. I knock all my papers out but I didn't care. I had to the figure. Then he stops at the front gate and looks back, it was Mattia! I run up to him out of breath. I look at him in his eyes, he looks at me with confusion.
You: "Mattia it's me."
Mattia: "Who are you?"
I stand there in shock. He didn't know me when I spent so much time with him. Tears started filling my eyes and I started to explode with tears.
You: "We-we met in an alley. You saved me from my crazy landlord and I met all your friends like Kairi! Then I we got into a big fight and we stayed in the woods together. We also ran away from druggies and I got hit by a car at the dance! And then we plan to move away to California together!"
I continue to ramble on and buy Mattia just stands there with nothing to say.
You: "Mattia how could you not remember this! This wasn't a dream it was real!"
Mattia eyes get wide but he still stands there.
My cries came out more while everyone around us stared as they walked by.
Mattia: "Listen."
I look up and look at Mattia.
Mattia: "I-I had that dream too..."
I stare at Mattia with shock. We both had the same dream? Was it destiny?

Thank you guys so much for reading this book! I hope you guys enjoyed it a lot! I would also like to thank you all for making my first book on here successful! I wouldn't imagine being on charts or anything! Please follow me if you really liked this book, I will of course create more! Don't be shy to leave me suggestions of people I should do fanfiction of, I will take note on all! If you want more updates of anymore books, just keep up on here and on my tik tok page. I hope this story made you feel some sort of way because I wanna give you those heart vibes.

tik tok: @theheartvibes

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