Chapter 9 Alone

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I wake up and I feel a big headache come in. My head was wrapped around with what seemed to be toilet paper and I had a bandage on my leg. I see I'm in Kairi's living room on the couch. I get up in a moment but the pain in my head makes me fall back. I make a moan as I fall backwards onto the couch. I hear someone rushing towards me and it was Kairi. He had a cereal bowl in his hand.
Kairi: "All I have is cereal sorry."
He hands me the cereal and I slowly take it from him.
You: "Where is everyone? Why am I here?"
Kairi looks down at the ground for a moment then looks back up at me.
Kairi: "Last night was a pretty rough night and I didn't know where you lived. So I just kept you here."
I look at Kairi, he had a cut on his lip. I stare at it for a while, Kairi realizes and covers his lip with an embarrassed look. Then he walks away back into the kitchen. I see it was 7:00 am, I ate up the cereal quick.

Kairi was nice to drive me to school, I wave at him goodbye. My head still hurts as hell and I remove the toilet paper. My forehead has this big scar from my hairline to my right eyebrow. I walk into my school gates, I try looking for Mattia in the crowds but I couldn't find him.
Random Brunette: "Looks like someone got beaten up last night huh? She probably deserved it."
Her friends laugh at the dumb joke she made. I stop in my tracks and look down. Tears started forming in my eyes but I couldn't let it get to me. I've had enough pain from my head. I quietly walk to my first period.

I walk in and I don't see Mattia. I assumed he skipped, not like he cared anyways. I lay my bag next to my stool and sit there. The bell rings and everyone rambles to their seats. Just then Mattia walks into the classroom, he doesn't try to make eye contact with me as he sits next to me. Mr.Rein walks in and starts going on about our lesson. I tap Mattia on his shoulder. No response, he wouldn't look at me.
You: "Mattia!"
I whisper that to him but he doesn't seem to listen. I poke at him hard but he still doesn't budge. I didn't want to risk getting in trouble so I turn around and stared out the window.

The bell rung for everyone to go to their next class. Mattia gets up but I stop him by grabbing his shoulder. He brushes me off and continues walking out the door. I stop again this time grabbing his arm. He yanks me off hard which caught me off guard. I fall down hard on the concrete floor. People nearby started laughing at what just happened. Phones started to flash in my face and a small crowd formed around me as I was laying on the ground. Mattia looks at me in shock, I knew he didn't mean to do it. But then he seems to be focused on my head. I see he was staring at the scar he gave me on my forehead. I cover it with my hand so he could stop, he looks at me for the last time and then walks out the door. I didn't know what to do so I started to cry. I cry while everyone took photos. I looked like a mess, I was a mess. It was all because of Mattia.

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