~Day 7~

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Day 7: 11/19/12

(back to Niall's POV and school)

I'm in third period Chemistry class thinking about yesterday. Thinking about Liam. I'm just analyzing how much he's changed.

He seems to be more caring with me. I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed when I had to leave. I felt happy around him. Not to mention the fact that his mum was awesome. Not saying that my mum isn't but I'm not too close to mine anymore. Or anyone in general.

"Niall?" I hear Justin ask.


"Are you done with the worksheet?"

"Why?" I ask curious.

"Well, you see, Mr. Brenton said that if I don't get my grades up I'll have to stay after school on Friday. And I can't because I have a date with Selena." he answers sadly.

"Yeah I'm done. Here, and you better get them up or else Selena will be mad at you." I reply. Selena won't be mad at him but she'll be disappointed with his grades.

A few more minutes pass which I pass by doodling on my notebook. It smells weird...

"Niall?" Justin asks again this time worried.

"Yes Justin?"

"Do you smell smoke?"

Now that he mentions it, it does smell like smoke. And it's getting stronger.

I look around and notice everyone smells it too, along with our teacher.

Is there a fire in the school?

Liam's POV

Sitting in third period calculus is really boring considering that I already know most of this stuff. So I let my mind wonder to Niall.

This morning I thought about my feelings for him and convinced myself that I didn't love him. It's just a phase I told myself. The feelings will go away. It's just a phase that teens go through. You think you love someone but you don't.

It's just a phase, I don't love him.

"Liam!" a voice breaks me from my train of thought.

I snap my head up to see a scared looking girl "What's going on?"

"Hurry up! The school's on fire!" she exclaims alarmed.

I look around and see everyone else rushing out the door, most of their stuff abandoned.

"Liam come on!"

I grab the girl's hand and weave our way through the stampede of chaotic students. I can smell the smoke coming from the cafeteria. But...what about the fire alarms?

While trying to get out, I loose grip on the girl's hand but see her with another guy. At least she's safe. I manage to make my way outside by pushing through the screaming and hysterical students and staff.

Great way to keep the students feel calm and organized.

I make it outside and look for Zayn. I spot him next to Louis and Harry.

"You guys ok?" I ask worried.

"Yeah we're fine." Zayn answers nervous.

We stand there looking around. I look at the school and am glad that everyone is far away from it.

Black smoke is coming out the windows and you can see flames inside. Scary is an understatement.

"Is everyone here?!" a teacher calls out using a megaphone.

Everyone falls quiet. Until...

"Niall is still in there!!"

The screaming starts all over again.

My heart stops.

No! Niall can't be in there!! He'll die!

Without out further thinking I run back into the school dismissing the yells from the teachers, students and my friends.

I need to save Niall.

As I enter the flaming school, I have to cover my mouth and nose. The smoke is thick and I can't see much. I feel my eyes water from the smoke and heat. I start to sweat and feel woozy. But only one thought runs through my mind while I look around for Niall.

I can't loose Niall.

I have to watch out for flames and burned debris on my hunt for him. I look everywhere but I can't find him. And I know it's only a matter of time before the building explodes due to the chemicals and gases in the basement and chemistry rooms. I have to find him fast.

I finally find a room that I haven't checked. I open it and find him.

He's sprawled on the floor and I have the sickening feeling that he's not breathing.

Still covering my nose and mouth I carefully make my way to him and kneel down. His dyed blonde hair is covered in soot, his hands covering his face and his feet are up against his chest. I check his pulse.




Still alive! I shake him but he doesn't stir so I'm guessing that he passed out. I hear some crashing sounds from the hallways.

The building is tumbling down.

I look around and spot the open window. We're on the ground floor. This better go ok.

I lift him up, taking a deep breath first, and make my way to the window. I slowly ease him out, thanking God that the window isn't hot or scorched, and as soon as he hits the ground I go after him. I drop to the ground beside him and check his pulse again.




He's good. I'm about to give him mouth-to-mouth when Niall stirs. He coughs while sitting up and uncovers his face.

His broken, blue eyes are scared but seem to relax when he sees me. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"What happened?" he asks in a raspy voice.

"The school was on fire, everyone got out but you and I...went in to get you."

He looks at me.

"Why did you save me? If you had left me you wouldn't have had to worry about the challenge." he says still looking at me with shattered eyes.

My head is giving me four choices as answers.

It was the right thing to do.

I didn't want your death to be on my conscious knowing I could've helped you.

Your family and friends would've been devastated.

I wanted to continue the challenge to keep me entertained.

I open my mouth to answer with the less hurtful one.

But instead I voice what my heart is telling me to say.

"Because I love you Niall."

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