~Day 16~

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Day 16: 11/28/12

(still Niall's POV)

I wake up to someone holding me. I'm being spooned which at first scares the crap out of me but then I relax. It's hard not to when the persons touch sends shivers down my spine, gives me butterflies and makes my heart race.

Shivers. Butterflies. Heart race.


I slowly turn around and come face to face with Liam. His lips are centimeters from mine. His warm breath hitting my face smelling like vanilla. How the hell does he not have morning breath? But I like vanilla.

His eyes are closed so I can't see his warm brown eyes. His features are scrunched together telling me that he's having a bad dream. I lift my hand and gently stroke his soft, warm cheek, and his features instantly soften. I pull my hand back, I did that?

He sighs and whispers "Niall, I love you."

I blush. Liam is dreaming about me. That's really cute and sweet. Suddenly his eyes twitch and start to slowly open.

Shit! He's waking up! But I can't find a motive to move away or do something. All I can do is watch as his eyes open and his warm, cocoa-brown eyes stare back into my blue ones.

"Niall." is all Liam says.

"Um. What are you doing in my bed?" I ask trying to stay calm.

"Well last night when you fell asleep, I said I would stay here. I need to explain everything to you."

I frown "You actually slept in my bed?"

He nods smiling a bit. I shake my head "Just cut to the point."

He takes a deep breath before beginning "I really am sorry about what I did. But I didn't want to. I would never hurt you, you're too precious to hurt in any way."

"Then why did you?" I ask.

"Tyler." is his simple response.

At that I sit up straight and turn to him "What did Tyler do?"

"He told me that I either had to hurt you emotionally or he would hurt you physically. I couldn't let him hurt you after knowing what he's done to you in the past. I didn't want him near you at all. So I chose the first option."

"So you fucking listened to him?! I would've been less hurt if he beat the shit out of me! Physical pain is nothing to me Liam. Nothing. But emotional pain, I can't handle that! I've been through that sort of pain too many times. Yet I can never get used to it. That's why I built walls. To block the damn pain out. It hurts too much. Especially if-" I stop.

"Esecially if what Niall?" Liam questions sitting up as well.

I hesitate. I've never felt like this about anyone ever since Tyler. But I just can't hold it in any longer.

"Especially if it's someone I love that hurts me. I went through that last time and it hurt. But with you it's different. Because the feelings have just been awakened. They're fresh feelings, they are stronger with you. You awakened my heart. Until I met you and realized I loved you, it's been just an organ. But you turned it into a place where I can feel love. And you've gotten yourself stuck in my heart.

How could you not? With your warm brown eyes hat seem to look into my soul. Making me blush whenever you look at me. When they twinkle and shine with happiness. With your charming smile that makes my heart skip a beat whenever you smile. The smile that makes me happy even though you don't know that. With your laugh that never fails to make my heart race furiously. Your touch that sends shivers down my spine. That makes my body feel alive and complete.

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