~Day 5~

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Day 5: 11/17/12

After yesterday's decision about moving on little by little, I had fallen asleep. That is until Louis called around four in the afternoon saying he needed a playmate. Apparently Harry had gotten detention for 'flirting' with Mrs. Flack the music teacher. So he got detention. I told him that I would be his playmate today (Saturday) and he agreed.

So here I am waiting for Louis, and maybe Harry, at the park. I'm swinging slightly on the swings feeling the slight breeze on my face.

Today is actually a nice day. The sun is out and warm but it's kind of chilly, making it a good day to be out. No one is at the park right now, it's kind of early though. 10:15 am. I'm sure you all agree that it's early, if you don't think that's early then you have a problem.


I turn to the weirdo screaming my name only to realize its Louis. No Harry. Weird, they're usually always together. They never leave each others sides. Except for you know showering and using bathroom. I hope.

Louis runs up to me wearing a blue striped shirt, red skinnies, and Toms. He takes the swing next to me and swings slowly.

"Where's Harry?" I ask facing him.

"Well yesterday during detention, he made a big deal about how he would never flirt with an old lady like Mrs. Flack. She got offended and told him to be quiet or she would give him Saturday school. He, of course being Harry Styles, kept arguing about how gross and wrong that would be but he was smiling the whole time. So I knew he was lying." he explained looking sad.

"Were you in detention with him?" I ask curious.

He nods sheepishly "I uh didn't want him to be alone with her, so I picked a fight with Zayn."

"You picked a fight with Zayn just so you could be in detention with Harry?" I clarify astounded and shake my head "Lou, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you two were going out and you were jealous."

He blushes and turns away. Are they?

"Lou? Are you and Harry going out?"

"No. I'm just worried about him, and you weren't able to be my playmate yesterday." he replies.

I just nod and we swing in silence for a bit.

"How are you doing with Liam?" he asks suddenly.

"Ok." I answer.

"What happened yesterday? Tell me everything."

I sigh but comply looking up at the sky "Well on Thursday he came over to work on our English paper and no we did not screw each other" I add knowing him "we were doing fine until I let him look around my room and he found a picture if Tyler."

"Why do you still have pictures of him? He interrupts.

"I don't know. But anyways it brought back memories and I told him to leave, I didn't want him to see me have a breakdown. He left and after I was alone I cried but held it in."

Louis reaches over to run his hand through my hair, knowing it calms me down.

But it doesn't. It just feels weird, I feel nostalgic for someone else's touch...

"Anyways, after crying I fell asleep. Yesterday I woke up feeling like shit, so I had my mum call in saying I was sick then she left. Finally I broke down and after going through the memories, I decided I was tired of my past. So I'm going to move on from it little by little." I finish and Louis is quiet.

I turn to face him. He's thinking about something really hard. His eyebrows ate scrunched together, his mouth in a straight line.

"I think...you should tell Liam." he remarks.

I'm stunned "Why?"

"Well put it this way. The more you speak about your past the more you'll be able to move on. Also if Liam knows about your past he'll be more careful around you. He won't try to hurt you or anything."

I think it over and realize he's right.

"All right I'll tell him." I sigh.

"Yay! Now let's go get some carrots and feed them to the baby rabbits at the animal shelter." he demands, gets up, hands me a slip of paper with a number on it and starts to walk to the shelter.

I smile at him. He's a really unique guy. I get up and follow him but send a quick text to the number he gave me. I swear he's psychic.

'can i come over tomorrow to work on our paper?'-Niall.

Liam's POV

I'm lying on my bed thinking about Niall. (I'm a creeper I know)

Ever since I found out about some of his past I've been worried about him.

I was surprised that everyone at school knew about his past. Well just the basic things, not the details. But I didn't trust many of them to tell me the truth. For all I know they could be making things up.

From what I gathered, Niall had been in horrible breaks up before. Especially with Tyler. When I found out that Niall was abused by him, I saw red. Who would hurt someone like Niall?! He's the sweetest person ever! Well to everyone else but me. But that's my fault, I was too cocky with him in the beginning. And I regret that now.

But I want to find out the truth from Niall himself. I know something was up when I mentioned Tyler at his house and his voice sounded broken and weak. It made my heart ache seeing him like that.

I know I care about him, but I'm not sure if it's because I might like him or if it's just natural to care about an abused person. I hope it's the latter because I really don't want to mess up the challenge.

Ever since seeing Niall look broken, I keep thinking:

What if I win the challenge and break him even more because I don't like him like that?

Would I be able to do something like that to him? Am I willing to loose the challenge just to save him from the pain?

But there's something in me that keeps telling me that I can't loose Niall.

I just can't. I don't know why.

But I don't like him like that. Sure I'm gay but I just don't. I worry and care about him like I would for my friends and family. But caring and worrying about him feels different...

My feelings are really messed up right now. And I need to talk to Niall about his past and about Tyler.


I reach over and grab my phone. 1 new text message from unknown number. Who could it be? Louis asked for my number yesterday...maybe it's him.

'can i come over tomorrow to work on our paper?'-Niall.


'sure we need to finish it it's due on monday anyways.'-Liam.

I reply and text him my address.

I smile.

Maybe I'll be closer to him after tomorrow.

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