~Start Anew~

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Niall's POV

"Niall. Will you give me a chance to prove how much I love you? Will you give me a chance to love you?" Liam asked hope and doubt clear in his eyes.

I look at him hiding my emotions. He doesn't need to know how I'm feeling or what my answer will be. Although I'm sure he has an idea of what it will be.

I open my mouth to answer him and he winces.

"Liam for the past sixteen days you have shown you have cared about me in different ways. You have made me feel more alive than I have in the past few months since the breakup. You've manages to coax me out of my shell a bit which is more than anyone has ever managed to.

Yet you hurt me painfully. I'm sure you didn't mean it, but you didn't think of a way out of the situation you were put in. And because of that, I retreated back into my shell. You tried to apologize but you should know 'sorry' doesn't cut it. Even though I kept you out you still tried to help me. You were sweet and honest with me.

After all you put me through, I've made a decision." God I feel like a teacher or something.

Liam looks at me expectantly.

"Yes. I will give you a chance to prove yourself to me. A chance to love me."

~~Later That Day At Niall's~~



I play with Liam's fingers shyly still not used to being close to someone.

We're in my bed, our legs intertwined, my head on his shoulder while his arms are around me in a protective hold. Occasionally pressing soft kisses on my head, making my heart race.

"Why did you decide to give me a chance?" Liam asks curiously.

I lift my head off his shoulder and look at him "Did you not want me to?"

He shakes his head rapidly "Yes I did. I'm just wondering why you would do that after all I put you through."

I smile and stroke his cheek with the back of my fingers. He blushes a soft pink and grabs my hand to press a soft kiss on it. Now it's my turn to blush.

"Well after school yesterday I left to sort my thoughts out. I found a quiet, secluded place and sat there thinking.

Yes you hurt me emotionally. But you also did your best to make things right again. You showed me you cared about me, made me feel wanted.

And I was tired of being closed off. I didn't want to feel sad anymore. I wanted to try to give love a chance again. I didn't fully put my walls down but as time goes on I'm sure they will. And with your help, I won't be afraid anymore. Because I know you'll be there beside me thought the whole time time." I explain looking into his eyes.

Liam smiles lovingly at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly, his eyes shining make his brown eyes even more beautiful.

"I'll be beside you the whole time Niall. I'll help you with your fear of having your walls down. I will never leave you."

My heart swells up, it hurts but in a good way. It's still a new feeling but it makes me feel so happy that I don't want it to go away.

We lean forward until our foreheads are touching. His hot breath hitting my lips almost teasingly. Our eyes locked together in a gaze so full of love that it makes my insides tingle with joy. I Close my eyes as our lips meet and sparks fly, sending fireworks exploding in my vision. His lips are soft and smooth but with a touch of roughness reminding me that I'm kidding a guy. He tastes like vanilla making it much more addicting to kiss him. Our lips move together in harmony, slowly and gently. Letting our actions speak for themselves. This is our first kiss with each other and hopefully not our last because now that I've tasted him I don't want to let him go. My body is on fire, shivers of pleasure running throughout my body and my heart beating so fast and hard I'm sure he can hear it. Screw the kiss being cliché, it's perfect.

My lungs are begging for air so I reluctantly pull away, panting slightly. I'm still human you know. Liam is panting as well do I guess he needed air as well. We gaze at each other understandingly.

"I love you Niall." he whispers.

"I love you too Liam."

I snuggle back into him, havin his arms around me once again but we are still able to look at each other. It's a comfortable silence, one that is shared with the person you most love and cherish. My lips still tingly from the kiss, I smile at him.

He smiles back "Remember the near heart attack our mums had when we told them?"

I laugh "How could I not? It was hilarious!"

We entered the house together holding hands. I looked at Liam with a smile which he returned.

"Niall? Liam? Is that you boys?" Karen's voice asked coming from the living room.

"Yeah mum! It's us, we're in the kitchen." Liam called back.

Both my mum and his mum come into the kitchen and stop as they look at our intertwined hands. Karen looked at us with wide eyes.

"Are-guys-you-date-two?" she could barely get out a word due to her stuttering.

"Niall? What is this?" mum asked me.

"We are together." I answer.

Karen screams and jumps up and down along with my mum.

"Oh my god! I knew it! I knew you guys would end up together! Oh my god! Oh my god!" she squeals. Liam and I couldn't help but laugh.

She started gasping for air and my mum patted her back "Breathe Karen! Breathe! You can't leave me here alone! I'll die with all this cuteness! Breathe!"

We start to laugh remembering earlier when that happened. When Karen had regained her breathing she dragged my mum away saying Liam and I needed our cuddly time. I love Karen like a second mum.

I look at Liam and he gives me a sly grin.

"You know, ever since I laid eyes on you, I've been wanting to do things." naughty Liam.

"You want me? Beg for me."


This is my first ever boyxboy story and I wasn't sure how it would turn out. But it turned out great. And it's all thanks to you. My fans, my readers both the silent one and the ones who commented and voted. So thank you for your support.

You Want Me? Beg For Me [Niam]Where stories live. Discover now