Chapter 1: Lilly

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Beads of sweat rolled down my face making my brown curls stick unattractively to my forehead. I could feel the adrenaline rush through my system as my heart hammered against my chest. "You can do this! You always have...Always will!" I thought as I regained my balance and delivered a fatal kick to my opponents ribs making him cringe in pain. I smirked, wiping the trail of blood that emerged from my busted lip.

"FINISH HIM!" the crowd hollered as I kept punching John over and over again, he doubled over in pain. I moved back a little, careful not to slip on the gag-worthy mixture of blood and sweat that covered the arena. I immediately brought up my knee kicking him in his shoulder, bone making his whole shoulder sag, as he hollered in pain. Believe me when I tell you it. hurts. A lot!

As he dropped to his knees looking up to me through his bruised and battered eye, I couldn't help but smile defiantly as I saw the fear in his eyes as his sweat mixed with the freshly dried blood on the side of his face. "Tell them it didn't hurt that much." I roared so that he can hear me above the wild, cheering crowd. His eyes widened in recognition as he realized what I was about to do "Please don't-don't..." he stuttered but I just cut him off, "Sorry buddy!" with a powerful kick to the base of his neck, he was out cold on the arena's floor.

The crowd went wild as I smirked and wave at them. The medics rushed by me to make sure that I didn't kill the guy who was still unconscious. "Don't worry guys. One hour and he'll be up screaming like a little girl from the pain." I state smirking as one of the younger medics glared at me with disgust "Oh really!" I thought as I raised an eyebrow, challenging him. He cowered in fear as I laughed, "That's what I thought." I left the arena and went to the crowds while I smiled proudly as I heard my name; me being declared as the winner.

"I wonder how do you always do it?" I chuckled as I turned to the oh-so-familiar voice. "Ryan!" I ran up to him and hugged him. Now don't get any ideas! Ryan and I were actually very good friends, most probably my only friend, we trained together daily, that is when I wasn't having a match. We were rivals but outside the arena we joked and chatted like we were the best of friends. "You never fail to amaze me Lilly." He pulled me back studying the multiple injuries I now sported. "I know I just get boys trippin" I joked in a fake gangster  dialect as I motioned to the group of hairy guys that kept oogling me like I was a piece of meat. Ryan looked at them and then turned to me as his face turned into a grimace and he started making gagging sounds making me smile. the thing about Ryan was that he made me smile, he saw me as a girl who can get hurt...a girl who had feelings. He didn't judge me based on my past or even the sport I play. I love him a lot.....of course in that brotherly way, nothing more!

So let me tell you some stuff about this sport. I am a fighter as in an underground fighter. You know this is the kind of place where they bet on who would win, it was nothing like those girly girl shows on TV like WWE. This was the absolute real deal. I loved this sport with a burning passion. I started two years ago, I met Ryan around this time too, I trained really hard with his help and now...let's just say that I am well known in the business!

"Hello, Earth to Lilly!" I was summoned back from my day dream as Ryan kept moving his hands in front of my eyes. "Oh sorry, I was just lost in your stormy eyes!" I sighed dreamily as Ryan burst into fits of laughter his dark curls getting into his deep, grey eyes. "You're hilarious! Come on, let me drive you home." I tugged along as we passed the group of old, hairy men one of them wolf-whistled. Without hesitation, I turned around, kneeing him......well, you know where! "Ouch!" Ryan said as the man fell to the ground in pain. I turned around and continued walking, Ryan following me. We silently hopped into his car "Are you Okay?" Ryan asked hesitantly, glancing at me and then returning his focus on the road. "Why wouldn't I be? I was just in a fight with a man twice my size who repeatedly kept delivering punches to my face!" I replied sarcastically. A small smile tugged at Ryan's lips as he pulled into my driveway. I got out of the car as the cold winter breeze chilled me to the bone, my sweaty outfit doing nothing to help.

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