Chapter 8: Lilly

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A few years back, when all the people I loved and cherished left me when I needed them the most..I was angry. Now, we are not talking about normal anger where you can just sleep it off, no we are talking about the pent up anger that can make you take up boxing and slam your fists into guy's faces for example, Nate. Just the mere mention of his name got me frustrated and beyond angry and I really didn't want to meet him again.

Oh yes you do! My stupid subconscious retorted. "Oh God!" I muttered gloomily as I entered the house but stopped dead in my tracks as I heard laughter. I knew what was happening here I wasn't that stupid but I never thought that she could go to such extents.

"Mother!" I called as I rounded the corner of our hallway and came face to face with my mother on the couch and a man sitting next to her and half empty Jack Daniels bottles surrounding them . "What are you doing?" I asked murderously and all I could see was red. "We're just!" the man slurred,
hi-cupping in the middle of the sentence. I kept clenching and unclenching my fists, willing my anger to dissipate. I really didn't want to kill the guy, I won't do that well in jail I suppose. "Fun?!" I asked sarcastically. "Leave now!" I boomed feeling the house shake beneath me, I could have sworn that I could also see the man flinch aat the tone of my voice before putting on a cool facade and turning to my not-so-conscious mother, "Call me when you get rid of her!" he said calmly pointing with his thumb at me.

"That's it assh*le. You've used up all my remaining patience!" I spat as I lunged at him, knocking him of his feet and landing on the carpeted floor with a thud which wasn't easy as this guy probably weighed more than 200 kg.

I wonder what did she see in him to get him home with her.

I landed a punch on his jaw making his head snap to the side. "GET HER OF ME!" he wailed around trying to get out of my grip and suddenly I was yanked up to my feet giving a chance to the fat bastard to scurry away and catch his breath.

"Lilly, how could you treat our guests like that!" My mother shrieked landing some of her spit on my face which I hurriedly wiped away by the back of my hands. "Guests?! You've reached a new level of lame, mother. Look at yourself! You're acting like a teenager. Drinking, partying and spending all of our hard earned money or what's actually left of it on booze! Get a grip of yourself!" I screamed, pulling my arm out of her grip. Her eyes watered and her lower lip quivered as if she was on the verge of crying but I knew better than that. You see, this wasn't the first time she's done this or we have had this talk.

The first couple times mom actually got drunk I was really confused as to why she was doing it, dad had just died after a long battle with leukemia and don't get me wrong when I say this but the treatment and the extensive care he needed drained away our money so, it was really confusing as to why she was throwing away the dwindling amount of money that we had left. I would question her, she would cry, say she's sorry and then repeat it all over again. I would fall for it every time but then I grew out of it and came to terms with myself that she wasn't the same woman before dad died.

Just like me.

I discovered the arena around that time and decided to join the gym to get fit and that's around the time when I met Ryan.

"Save it mother." I stated emotionlessly, looking directly into her brown orbs which I have inherited. I could see a swirl of emotions: hurt, sadness but most of all regret and for once I tried to show her mine but she gasped. Pain and anger swirling in my eyes which really made her cry but I was pulled out of whatever trance I was in when the front door slammed shut.

I moved away from her putting some distance between us, I knew that if I stayed longer I would break in front her. "Go to sleep, mother." I muttered before turning and calmly climbing the stairs back to my haven, my room. I threw myself on the bed as my eyes welled up, tratiorious tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

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