I groaned and rolled from one side to another and winced as my sore muscles ached in protest. I heard the unbearable beep of my alarm clock. I rolled my fists, ready to punch the stupid clock against the wall but was stopped when my mom when my mom strolled, more like stumbled, into my room.
"I am working a late shift today. Make sure to be home before I come!" She mumbled as she held one of her hands against her pale forehead, probably to calm down her hangover. "Sure..." I replied passively as I went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. The thing which got on my nerves the most was her audacity to tell me that she was working late shifts when, in fact she was out getting drunk. I screamed in frustration and slammed my fist against the ceramic wall causing the beige tiles to crack under my touch. As I removed my hands, I noticed that the broken pieces caused a few cuts to form on my already bruised knuckles.
I glanced at myself in the mirror. Gone was the girl who was sweet, caring, smart and funny, who cared about what people thought of her, who wanted to spend the rest of her life with her first love, who had dreams and ambitions...and I just stared blankly at a mere shell of her. She had the same brown locks, the same features but was completely different from the inside. Empty that was the one word which could describe me. I could feel the small droplets of blood falling from my hands which hanged limply beside me. I could hear it splash lightly against the cold tiles. They did this to me, they were the reason my life is a jumbled mess and for that I will forever hate them.
After rinsing my hand, washing up and picking out my outfit of the day which considered of choosing any atire that can cover any form of muscles I have, just so that those kids at school don't get suspicious about anything, I grabbed my breakfast which was prepared by my wonderful mother I rushed out of the house slamming the door behind me.
School was normal. I wasn't that type of kid who got bullied a lot but occasionally when Nicole and her minions did miss me they would come say "hi" and believe me it was really hard not bashing their faces in. Self-control, something I've always lacked. English I sighed not too bad, I guess. As I passed the first corner I saw Nicole pushed against Nate Erikson, the school's bad boy. I smirked as I passed them not sparing them a secong glance. Could they be anymore cliche? Really they do fit together the school's queen bee and the school's bad boy...
I took the last seat as soon as I entered the classroom. Shortly afterwards Mr. Jackson entered the class as all the students started greeting him. "Okay, based on the topics we took all year, you are required to work in pairs to do a project on any of them!" The whole class groaned "I wonder who would get stuck with a weirdo like you?" Nicole spat as her group of friends snickered. I rolled my eyes, is that really the best she could do? however her next comment got me, "I wonder what your brother would think of his loser sister, oh wait, he doesn't even know anything about you. Right?" she smiled triumphantly. "Nicole. Don't push it!" I growled as I turned my body towards her and was almost ready to lunge at her but Mr. Jackson interrupted us. "Care to share what's going on Nicole?" She turned her full attention towards him, plastering on a fake smile that had me gagging on the spot "You see Mr. Jackson, I was just asking Lilly here if she wanted to be my partner but she said that she has already another partner. Just trying to be helpful sir!" She said in a sickly sweet tone. "Trying to help, my ass!" i mumbled making sure that she could hear what I was saying. "Well Nicole, that won't be necessary I already chose your partners!" Groans of protest erupted from the class as each girl tried convincing Mr. Jackson that it's a better idea if the chose by themselves.
'It's settled ladies!" Mr. Jackson slammed his hands on the desk making the whole class plummet into silence. Mr. Jackson then started calling our names and our partners names to which I completely zoned out for God's sake I had a fight tomorrow night and there was absolutely no room for this project. "Lilly Mathews and...." Mr. Jackson drawed out, his eyes skimming over our names again and again as the whole class waited for my partner's name to be called out. You see, it wasn't that normal for anyone to hang around with me for multiple rumors spread out by Nicole personally to which I must say, I feel honoured. Nicole isn't the one for rumors but I guess I am an exception. Anyway, as I glanced around the room a couple of girls and boys were staring at me wanting to see my reaction but when I stared back at them and smirked they just turned back to talking with their friends or just looking around the class. "Xavier Williams!" Mr. Jackson finally announced. Gasps filled the room. Well who's Xavier Williams? He is basically one of the popular kids well actually, the most popular of them. He and Nate are best friends ;however, Nate may have this bad boy aura around him, Xavier is more sweet, caring guy. He isn't that big of a player like Nate but he's also got the attention of all the female population.

Fierce Love
Teen FictionPreviously called, "The Fighter and the Bad boy" In a world where the wealthy lead and the poor struggle to fend for themselves, but is everything how it appears to be? Or are there lies hidden in every corner, secrets that hold a lot of meaning and...