Chapter 32: Lilly and Nate

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Lilly's POV:

"Lilly are you sure you told them we'll be here today?" Nate asked for the billionth time and I was loosing my cool.

"I swear if you ask me again I'm going to poke your eyes out and put them in a honey jar." I whispered under my breath but Nate managed to catch my small threat. 

"Oh babe! You won't do that! You love me too much to kill me." he gave me a full-blown smile as he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I smiled into his shirt as I relaxed in his arms. Everything was finally okay.

It was a few months after our graduation and Nate has been wanting us to travel somewhere together forever, preferably the Maldives because he can "show me how romantic he can be", but I wanted to wait for mom to get out of rehab and be a 100% alcohol free and she finally is. So, Nate booked us the first flight to the Maldives and I couldn't say no really. 

We were currently in the airport a couple of hours before our flight waiting for everyone to appear and see us off, we only had Xav with us. He was the one who drove us here but he was busy ogling the flight attendants that passed by him. Normal Xavier behaviour. 

I was brought out of my reverie with a rough cough from behind me and when I felt Nate tense up in my arms I immediately knew who it was. 

"Ash!" I screamed as I jumped into his arms, "What took you so long?" I whispered as I continued hugging him. 

"Sorry sis! The traffic is horrible here." he said when we broke our hug then his gaze shifted to Nate and he eyed him up and down before but before he could say anything I took a step close to Nate and held his hands in mine making sure that he knew that he wasn't alone. 

"Nate this is Ashton my brother and Ash this is Nate, my boyfriend" Yes, this is there first time meeting, in an airport. 

"Mmmm, so you're the Nate she loves so much?" Ashton inquired.

Nate cracked a small smile at this and looked down at me as he held my hand tighter, "Yes, that would be me!" 

"Well Nate, I know you love her too but if I see my sister cry because of you. I'm coming after you with a shotgun. She's been through enough. Right?" Ashton whispered murderously as he came closer and closer to Nate while both Nate and I just stood there baffled. 

"Ash what the he-" I was about to have a fight with Ashton but Nate cut me off. 

"Ashton, I love your sister dearly, and if you don't believe that, frankly, I don't give a damn. She's been through hell and back and I won't make her suffer any more. I owe that to her! Besides if I do hurt her, I think she'll take care of me herself." Nate voiced out his thoughts looking at me with pride glimmering in his eyes. 

I looked at Ashton and waited for a response. Like any girl, I really wanted my boyfriend and brother to get along. "I really like this guy Lilly. I want to see him around more often!" Ash replied as I stood there my jaw hanging open and Nate's eyes were wide as saucers. 

"Are you serious?" Nate asked not believing that my brother really likes him. 

Ash laughed heartily then shook Nate's hand, the one that I wasn't clutching. "Take care of my sister and nice to meet you!" he smiled at Nate genuinely and then gave me a warm hug. 

"I'll miss you sis, but don't worry I'll be right here when you come back!" he kissed my forehead as he retreated and mom came grinning from ear to ear. 

"Hi love!" Mom greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, making me smile again. I still couldn't believe hat she was alcohol free but her rehab facility has confirmed over and over again that she is definitely sober. She has regained all the weight she lost and her eyes twinkled when she smiled, just like she used too when dad was here. 

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