Chapter 11: Nate

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Nate's POV:

I woke up feeling someone curled to my side. What the hell? Was the first thought that came to my mind. I looked to my side to find Ashley there in only my shirt sleeping with her head resting on my shoulder. I guess I forgot about her. I didn't try to fight the yawn that was begging to escape so I let it out, and let me tell you, I yawn really loudly... 

Ashley started stirring next to me. Was my yawn that loud?

"Morning, Mr. Erickson." Ashley mumbled. I let out a small chuckle. "I guess now we should be on first name basis, right Ash?" I said, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"Oh, as you like, but Mr. Erickson is such a turn on." She purred, biting her lips at the end. 

"Oh really?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. She just winked and got out of the bed. "I should go now, duty calls but I can always make an exception if you need me." She said, while getting dressed into her maid outfit. I was currently sitting up with my back resting on the headboard. 

"I'll make sure to ask you to come if I need you." I reassured. She just nodded and left the room. You see how amazing it is with Xavier's maids. They do not cling, at all. They are obedient people who follow orders.

I got out of bed, and ready for the day. I decided to eat some breakfast because my stomach was cussing the daylight out of me right now. I entered Xavier's fancy kitchen, and settled myself on one of the stools there, next to Xavier to be exact. "Good morning, best friend." I chirped happily. Xavier looked at me like I'm an alien who just landed from mars.

"Your overly cheery character right now is scaring me, that I think I'm gonna have to call the rehab to make sure you are in check." Xavier said. I burst out laughing at that. 

"Xav, I think you are spending so much time with this girl, Lilly that she is rubbing off on you and you just started speaking like her." I said, my mood turning sour after remembering my encounter with the fiery brunette. 

Xavier perked up all of sudden. "At the mention of Lilly, what the hell was that yesterday?" I gave him an innocent look, "What are you talking about, Xavy?" I said, in a cooing voice. Xavier rolled his eyes at my antiques. He can be grumpy sometimes. 

"Nate, I wanted you two to get along not start a world war three in the living room by swearing at each other like there is no tomorrow, my god, you both need your mouths to be washed by bleach not soap, bleach!" Xavier said, throwing his hands up in exaggeration. You might think that his words would have a toll on me and that I would try to be a bit considerate, but If you thought that, then you my dear friend don't know me, because...I burst out laughing. The whole laughing so hard that you're clutching your stomach and tears are rolling from your eyes. Yup, this kind of laughing. 

"B-Bleach?" I gasped between laughs. "Xavier, You sound worse than a mama taming her wild six year old kid after saying a bad word." I spluttered out. Xavier frowned deeply. "Will you ever try being serious Nathaniel?" Xavier asked. I made a thinking face then replied, "No?" Xavier face palmed against the counter and was muttering some stuff to himself.

"Xavy, you have been constantly speaking to yourself lately, I think you are going to be the one in need of the rehab, speaking to yourself is a serious issue, Xavier." I teased.

Xavier let out a really loud groan and threw his hands up "I give up. I give up on this conversation." 

I chuckled. Then averted my attention to the appetising plates in front of me: pancakes, waffles, sausages, eggs, fruits and different flavours of juice. I stacked some food in my plate and started eating slowly and gracefully. Yes, I do eat like sophisticated rich people, that's mainly because I am one and I was raised up to eat in this way, I guess it's just a habit which I won't be able to get rid of, not that I mind. 

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