Prologue: Not My Son

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3rd POV

It was a stormy night. Not exactly the night you'd expect much joy from, with all the thunder and rain that was present, not to mention the dangerous wind, that lead the water to become a dangerous black monster, waiting for its prey. And exactly on such a day, an event that caused not much joy at all happened. On the island of Menagerie, a child was born. And although it's clear that normally a child being born would make the parents overjoyed, this time, it would be quite different...

Dr House: "I hate assisting with births..."

Dr Cuddy: "Shut up House, or else I'll send you back to prison."

Dr House: "Fine, just stop whining already. Eh, sorry about that madam. Congratulations, it's a healthy boy it seems."

The two doctors who were rushed towards the island to help with a crisis that happened that afternoon finally had a reason for some joy today. Earlier that day, the storm already had caused a boat to capsize, with all the injuries and medical need that come with it normally. But now all of the victims of that were treated and just needed rest, there suddenly was a couple that was expecting the birth of their son. The woman's waters broke and so she needed the care. Despite the protests of Dr House, who wanted to go back home, the other doctor, Dr Cuddy, had insisted they'd help them. And so, that's what happened.

Dr House: "I still can't believe you talked me into this."

The nurse handed the couple their baby. The two doctors left the room again and entered the hallway, leaving the nurses to do what was left in terms of possible care. The main reason for this was that the female doctor, again, Dr Cuddy, expected that the couple wouldn't trust them too much. After all, the couple were two faunus. And she and her colleague were humans and lately, there'd been quite some tension between those two groups.

Ghira POV

I looked happily at Kali, who looked tired, but somehow was still smiling. I still can't truly believe it: I'm going to be a father! And yes, that's surely something to look forward to. Me, my beautiful wife and our beautiful little boy. Kali was then handed her baby back. She was still smiling, but mine disappeared for a bit. I looked at the doctor, who was about to leave.

Ghira: "Are you sure this is ours?"

Dr House: "Well yes, it came out of who I assume is your wife. Is there something wrong with it? Would you rather have had one that's a different colour or something? I think we still got a blue one downstairs."

Ghira: "Haha, good joke doc. Listen, I'm a faunus, right?"

Dr House: "How am I supposed to know, did I fill in your birth certificate?"

Ghira: "Why aren't you a stand-up comedian or something? You get the point, I'm a faunus, my wife's a faunus, so my son would be a faunus. Why doesn't he have any faunus traits?"

Then, the other doctor joined us. I wasn't too sure about them, but well, they might have a better view to this than I have.

Dr Cuddy: "About 10% of all faunus have a recessive gene that suppresses physical faunus traits. He's your son, but there's a chance of about 5% that both of these recessive genes are triggered, passed on to the baby and then he won't have any physical traits. It's a rare case, about 0.5%, but it does happen. He's really your son."

Dr House: "Or, your wife could be cheating on you with one of those tasty humans. Your choice."

The first doctor walked away again, followed by the second one, screaming the name of the other one angrily. So, either my son is 0.5% or Kali is cheating on me... Well, it wouldn't hurt to be sure of it, right?

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