Chapter 51: Under The Ground

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The tunnel me and Neo had gone in had gotten smaller and harder to get through the further we walked into it. It seemed as it this was done on purpose, perhaps so it wouldn't get noticed as much or so it would be harder to chase someone in here. But if anything, the first reason why is illogical, because, you know, it's a fucking tunnel anyway. Pretty hard to not notice it once you're already inside the tunnel system. And the second reason could so easily backfire on the White Fang here if they're chasing intruders, like us. Although they do know the way around this place better, so that could compensate it a little bit more.

(Y/N): 'Eh, I'm probably thinking about this too much.'

Neo and me had gotten even further into the tunnel meanwhile and we had to crawl through it basically in order to not get stuck. But it seemed that somehow we were noticed anyway, as a voice could be heard, probably calling out for us. It wasn't one who I recognise (Neo probably not either), but that might be caused by the echo too. However, I doubt any of my friends in here would just call out for people like this when it's supposed to be a secret that we're here. Except for Dan. But Dan's voice isn't as deep as this one.

???: "Who is it? Who goes there?!"

Obviously, Neo and me remained silent. If we were to make any noise, we'd be noticed by a possible enemy. And that's not something anyone in a situation like ours would want. It could mean death, knowing how violent the White Fang can be, especially now that Adam Taurus is their leader. Upon no response, the voice called out once more, but now it seemed closer to us. Could be the echo still though causing such an effect.

???: "Answer me?! Who goes there through these tunnels?!"

Again, we didn't answer and now had stopped moving at all. We heard someone coming our way though, but we had to stay unnoticed at all costs. I looked around quickly, while Neo seemed to be more calm than me.

(Y/N): 'Shit, shit, what do we do now, what do we do- hold on, this could work.'

I pulled Neo into some hold on the side where it was mostly dark. I hoped that by doing that, this person could walk past us without seeing us, think nothing was the matter and he was just going crazy and then go back to what he was doing to begin with. It would leave us free to go on with that we were doing here in the first place too. And it seemed to be working. We saw a person, crawling too, just like had done, coming our way and passing us. This guy looked very confused to not find anyone here, just like I hoped. Confusion can be good to play with and as long as it's in your advantage, a wise man once said. I can't remember who though...

(Y/N): 'Ah well, at least he didn't see us here. That's a big plus.'

I didn't however think that Neo would do what she did at that point. Once the guy had gotten past us, she crawled out quickly and stabbed him in the back. Somehow she'd made sure he didn't make a single sound and soon enough the tunnel was basically blocked by a dead and bloody corpse. I looked at Neo, probably a bit shocked and confused.

(Y/N): "Was that really needed? What if they find him?"

Neo glared at me and showed me her scroll, which displayed a message she apparently had typed out really quickly.

Neo: 'It had to be done in the end. You know it had. If he would've gone back he would've ran into us anyway and in the struggle he'd have been killed. About someone finding him, that's what we need to take care of. Come on, help me pull him in that hole we just were hiding in.'

And so we did. Pulling the guy by his legs, we tried to get him inside that hole, only to find out he was too big and didn't fit inside. He would be noticed in there way too easily probably.

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