Chapter 42: Missing

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When I woke up, there was only one thing I could truly do. Smile and feel happy for now. Neo was next to me, already awake for some reason. When she noticed I was awake now too, she smiled at me back. This is nice.

Neo: 'Good morning. I think it's about time we got up, right?'

(Y/N): "Right."

We got up and got dressed again. That kinda happened when we got our backs turned to each other, but I could definitely feel Neo's eyes poking in my back at some point, which did feel a bit weird. Kinda awkward too. Eventually, we went downstairs and made breakfast together. The others joined us again after a while, which was nice. Dan and his parents, AKA Ivan and Denise, thanked me and my dad once more for letting them stay here, which isn't really a problem. I don't think it's a problem and I don't think my dad does think so either. If anything, their presence only makes it nice around here. Only the reason why isn't that great. If anything, it's just saddening that half of Vale is just yeeted by some Grimm.

Dan: "Eh... (Y/N)?"

Dan snapped me out of my thoughts and was now looking at me. At first, it seemed to me that I'd probably missed something and I was asked something that was based on what I'd missed. Or even worse, that I'd done something wrong. Just the thoughts on their own were starting to fill my with anxiety slowly, but luckily, they turned out to be wrong. Or well, luckily... Not sure if this is that lucky. Actually, it's not lucky, 100% surely not lucky.

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Dan: "I talked to Syd last night. We had a call. Considering how none of us have actually heard of Stan in two days, I think we should put him on the missing list. Especially with all the chaos that's been caused and still sort of is going on. I think we really should do it. Even if he's just somewhere lost in a random village without his scroll on him, I think we should report him as missing. But we wanted to first ask your opinion on it now. I think it's important to do so. So, what do you think?"

I'd never heard Dan be so... formal? Is formal the right word here? Or would mature fit better? Whatever word would best describe that, I don't care. It's just a bit of a shock in some way. But he did ask me something though and I think it'd be polite to give him an answer.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's probably for the best. In fact, I think I'll put him up for missing. I was planning on going to the supermarket on the corner here anyway, see if they've got anything left at all. Can't be much given how a lot of shops have been destroyed and blown away too. But the info and emergency centre they put up is close to there. I think I'll pay them a visit."

Dan: "Sure. Thanks."

And so I did. After breakfast, I said bye to everyone and went to the supermarket on the street corner. And my predictions turned out to be true. There wasn't much food left. Not much in general actually, now I look over it. I bought some toothpaste since we got none left, as well as some apples and some other stuff that would probably be enough for a dinner. Some other people were also trying to find something in the mess of what's left. Although, it's not much, so could it even be called a mess at all?

Older looking man: "Excuse me young man, do you know if they've got some vegetables left?"

(Y/N): "I don't work here, sorry. But if they have any, it should be over there. Just go down this aisle and then to the left. You should find it there."

Older looking man: "Thank you very much."

After that small conversation, I decided to look for an actual employee myself now. Perhaps they'd know when there'd be any new food on the way. Because if it goes on like this, I honestly think the whole store here will be empty in a few hours. I don't know about other shops though, but they'll probably have the same issue. And if the biggest city of Vale is deep into shit, that won't end that well for the rest of the kingdom either probably.

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