Chapter 46: Exploring The Island

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We just had dinner at Syd and his parents' temporary home tonight. It'd been in their family for a longer time clearly. It wasn't hard to miss the small lines drawn on the door to the living door for example, clearly measuring how tall Syd was. This seemed to have been going on the first years of his life. I guess they moved to Vale later. Every small line had a date with it and a small number. In its own weird way, it was like a living archive.

Syd: "Quite an odd thing to see, right?"

I turned around and noticed Syd had sort of sneaked up on me. But instead of giving me some sort of jumpscare, he just stood there, having a friendly talk with me. I didn't mind it in the slightest. After all, it's been a while since I'd seen him. And the last week (or more?) had been really hectic and chaotic too, so it was nice to just take my mind off of that. Even if it would be just for an hour or so.

(Y/N): "Well, odd isn't the right word for what I think of it. Rather just funny or interesting I guess. I'm sure this has memories for you."

Syd: "Well, it is odd to me. Bit weird to see this one again after having been away from the Menagerie for long. And yeah, I do remember it, of course I do. I remember some of these lines being set on those days... This one is my 4th birthday I think. Probably one of my earliest memories."

(Y/N): "Huh, cool."

The both of us stared at the door and its evidence of time passing by a little more. In some way, I feel like it should've been awkward to have spent the time like that. But in reality, it felt somewhat... peaceful? I guess peaceful is the closest you can get to the feeling that it gave me, just standing there and staring. But as all things must end, this thing did so too. I felt someone placing their hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Syd gone and instead Neo was there. She smiled and showed me her scroll.

Neo: 'What are you doing?'

(Y/N): "Nothing much really, just standing here and looking around a bit. What's the matter?"

Neo: 'Oh, sorry, almost forgot. They asked me to come and go get you. We still haven't told them everything and we promised to do so, remember?'

(Y/N): "Oh, yeah, you're right, let's go."

I followed Neo back into the living room where tea and coffee was ready for everyone. Me and Neo sat next to each other on the couch, with Dan sitting next to her. Spider left shortly before we started, saying he had to use the bathroom and Anna had already left too, to go home probably. After all, she lived here on the island. Syd and his parents sat on the couch that was right in front of us direction wise, but there was still enough space to walk around and have a small coffee table in the middle too. All in all, quite a nice living room for that part.

Syd: "So, go on. Please do tell."

Those few words were all that was needed for me to start explaining, with Dan joining in on that too on some occasions or if he thought he knew better. Which he now and then did. We told Syd and his parents about what happened after they left: how Stan was on a missing persons list, that he was found, we had to identify the body as him and then now nothing happened, so we got Spider to help. And that lead to the great reveal and the story about how we found our killer.

Syd: "But who was it then? Come on, I need to know. He was my friend too and if no one else is going to do anything about this murder case, then we should obviously do so."

(Y/N): "I completely agree with you. But I must warn you, our investigation isn't over yet. We just believe he might be here, but we don't know any exact location."

Syd: "So what? Just bloody tell me and we can all go in a direction tomorrow. You can stay here as long as you want. Right mom? Dad?"

Syd's parents nodded, agreeing with him. It really felt nice to have these people letting us stay with them now. As if we had a second home here too now. I truly can't thank them enough. But I'll try to anyway.

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