Chapter 29: Testing

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Blake POV

We walked in the direction the Zack guy had sent us and we were walking at a steady pace too. And after a while we actually saw them walking. All four of them: Syd, Stan, Dan and (Y/N). But they were coming our way now, so I pulled the others into some alleyway really quickly so they wouldn't see us. Unfortunately, the others didn't recognise that it seemed...

Yang: "What the hell Blake?!"

Blake: "*whispering* Shhh, be quiet... They're walking there actually, they would've spotted us otherwise you know."

Weiss: "Well, it would probably have been-"

I put my hand over Weiss' mouth and looked at her annoyed. She looked a bit shocked and I said what I needed to say.

Blake: "You either whisper or shut up completely now. I don't care which you choose, as long as you don't make them notice us. Okay?"

Weiss nodded and I let go of her again.

Weiss: "*whispering* So what if they would've seen us? Probably for the best too. If anyone were to see us like this, they would get the wrong idea and think we are stalking them."

???: "Wow, you really think you're doing something else than stalking us right now?"

We turned around and saw Dan and (Y/N) standing there, looking at us. Dan had crossed his arms while (Y/N) just stood there, doing nothing seemingly special.

(Y/N): "Like, for real, you just followed us all the way here from Beacon probably just to see what we were up to. And now you're all secretly discussing what you've seen us do. Yeah, totally not stalking in any way."

They were about to walk away again and although I'm surprised by the fact they just left it like that, I mean, they just said they thought we were stalking them after all, I couldn't let them walk away again. There was a reason I agreed with Yang's plan, which is kinda terrible now I think of it to be honest, and that reason was to finally get to talk to (Y/N) normally. I'm not letting that chance be taken away from me just like that.

Blake: "(Y/N), wait!"

They turned around and looked at me questioningly. Suddenly, it was as if the air just became heavy and started weighing all on me. I mean, how would I even tell him such a thing, explain it all to him... And here in public too? I don't think that's such a great idea.

(Y/N): "What's the matter?"

Blake: "Can we talk? Like, now? It could be important."

Dan: "Oooh, does someone have a crush on (Y/N)? And is that someone planning on telling him now? Awww, romantic and cutesy shit."

Blake: "No, shut up you. I mean it, this could be important."

(Y/N): "Okay, how important? On a scale from 'listening to sirens for an hour' and 'my pizza got stolen', how important would it be?"

Honestly, I got no idea what that meant. Listening to sirens for an hour? Is that some sort of inside joke I simply don't get because we're not friends? But I don't see Dan laughing either... Ah well, better make something up to sound a bit in the direction of that scale.

Blake: "It's about 'I just scratched on chalkboard while peeing all over the floor' important?"

It was silent for a minute and I could feel my teammates just thinking 'What the actual fuck are you doing Blake?' which was pretty funny now I think of it. (Y/N) and Dan looked at each other, gave a serious nod and then turned back to us, before looking at each other again. Dan coughed once and then pretended as if none of that just happened.

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