Chapter 43: Found

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(A/N): I don't own anything from House. I know I've said it before, but you can never be careful enough with things like this these days apparently. Anyway, let's get on with another mediocre chapter of another mediocre story, delivered by me! Enjoy!



Me, Neo and Dan were currently sitting in a sort of improvised waiting room of an emergency hospital. Unbelievable how quickly they built this... But that's not the point right now. The point is, how we rushed here after a phone call we got. Quite an important phone call actually.

__Flashback to just a little while ago__

It seemed to be just another day after the fall of Beacon and the attack on Vale. Supplies had arrived from other kingdoms and people already started on rebuilding the destroyed parts of the city. If I'm honest, I'd say it's not as bad yet as it looks. Beacon destroyed? Sure, but there's other schools here on Remnant. I'm sure they'd also be able to provide you with a good education if you want to become a huntsman or huntress. But I don't so I don't really care.

Dan: "Hello? Yes, this is me."

Dan had apparently gotten a call and walked into the living room. Me and Neo were playing a game of chess. Quite frankly, we neither really know how to play it well. But it's fun to do with the other there, even if the rules are inconsistent, make no sense and probably aren't the official ones either. But well, who cares.

Dan: "Eh, yes, could be. Wait what? Oh... We're on our way now!"

Dan ran past us with a face that had a mix of excitement and panic on it. It was a weird thing to see. He disappeared out the door. I looked at Neo, Neo looked back at me and we shrugged out shoulders. Dan came running back in, specifically looking for us it seemed. And then, we found out why...

Dan: "Oh, you guys need to come too. Just in case I'll be seeing ghosts or something."

(Y/N): "Hold on, hold on, slow down. What is even the matter here? You walked in while having a call, then rushed out as if you're trying to catch the last train to the only place on Remnant that won't be destroyed completely and then rushed back in towards us as if we were the only ones who'd have the address of that place. I don't mind going with you to whatever you're going to do, but I do need a little more information first here."

Dan: "Oh ok then. Well, you put Stan down on the missing persons list, right? Well, I just got a call. They found the body of someone who matches the description you gave of him."

(Y/N): "That's fantastic!"

Then, within a second, realisation hit me on the head really hard. I finally understood that expression on his face the other moment. The mix of excitement and panic. I was feeling it too now. I knew what he meant. But I had to ask to be sure.

(Y/N): "Wait a minute... Did you just say they found a body?"

Dan: "I did..."

Dan seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. And that only made this worse in some way. This meant that if it indeed was Stan whose body was found, he was dead. A good friend of mine, first missing, then dead... I don't even know how I'd be able to deal properly with that... Luckily for me, Neo was there. She put her hand on my shoulder, causing me to look at her after I'd snapped out of my thoughts. She smiled. And for just a moment, that wonderful smile of hers made it all a bit better.

(Y/N): "Thanks Neo."

Dan: "Are we going now, or what?"

(Y/N): "Yes, yes we are. I know you want to go very badly and so do I, but don't be this pushy. If we find Stan today, it basically means he's dead. There, I said it and it's true too."

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