Chapter 35: Moving Further

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I looked at the texts on my scroll and pretty quickly found out which people were mainly responsible for all of this: Neo, Dan and Syd. I'd also gotten a message from both Stan and Roman. However, that was just one message each. How Roman got my number in the first place is a mystery to me though.

(Y/N): 'Perhaps he asked Neo for it? Or my dad gave it to him some time ago without telling me? Ah well, nothing to worry about, I can always block him if he starts to get annoying.'

I first opened the messages that Dan and Syd had sent me. They mostly seemed the same. Just them telling me the following stuff.

Dan and Syd: 'Dude, are you watching TV right now?'

Dan and Syd: 'Turn on the damn TV dude, they're counting down the top 20, rewind a bit, you'll be able to still see it!'

Dan and Syd: 'React pls, react pls, you gotta see this'


I eventually sent them something back, after I had counted all the o's in that message and had stopped laughing. It's 45 actually... I think...

(Y/N): 'Calm down, of course I've seen it. How could I have missed it with such a storm of notifications lol'

(Y/N): 'Besides, I was already watching. I guess curiosity got the better of me today'

I then went to see what Neo had sent me. First were some messages, then a picture.

Neo: 'I just noticed, congrats!'

Neo: 'I really like that song by the way, you're talented. I may have never said it, but you really are'

Then she sent that picture. It was a selfie of her, smiling and showing me a thumbs up with one of her hands. Quite a cute picture...

Dad: "Hey kiddo, I finally found the crisps! The bag fell and got stuck, no wonder I couldn't find it. The bag also says they didn't pass the expiry date yet, so we can still eat them. What have you been up to?"

(Y/N): "Eh... Reading Dan and Syd's messages?"

I have a feeling, a very strong feeling, which is in this completely understandable if you know my dad, that if I told him I was looking at a picture Neo sent me, he'd pull it out of context and make something weird of it. Or, even worse, he'll keep reminding me of it. Bad jokes, teasing about it... I can already imagine life becoming a hell that way... I better don't tell him

Dad: "Oh cool, do they have anything nice to say?"

(Y/N): "Nothing we didn't know already."

Dad: "I assume it's about the show we just watched then. I mean, it's quite big news after all, I'm sure they've already heard and found out about it."

(Y/N): "Yeah, they did..."

It was silent for a bit. I think both of us were unsure of what to say now, mostly because I ended that sentence weird and well, what else is there to say about the topic now? Well, not much, I can tell you that much. Luckily, my dad came to the rescue, an idea already being worked out in his head apparently.

Dad: "Wanna watch (f/s)? We still need to catch up to that one episode we just missed because we watched Pop Top."

(Y/N): "Sure, sounds good."

Dad: "Cool, you'll change the channel and rewind the program so we can see the episode from the beginning, I'll put the crisps in a bowl."

(Y/N): "No way, you'll eat most of them again, like you did last time!"

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