Chapter 34: Breakthrough

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(A/N): Two short things: first of all, as you might remember, (f/s) means favourite (as in a show on TV and no, don't pick RWBY or RWBY chibi, the universe will die), just in case you forgot. And secondly, if you manage to guess all the real bands that I made parodies of in this chapter, you're officially a legend. I checked everything for spelling errors and nope, it's all right, they should be doable. I'm curious to see who will guess all of them. And no, The Soundscape isn't a parody of anything you smartasses. Anyway, on to the chapter, I hope you'll like it!



It was another family gathering. Or well, there wasn't really much family there. Just people close to us. Like there always was, once a week. It's a nice tradition. Only a shame Neo wasn't there. But further, most people turned up. Roman was there. Dan was there. Ivan and Denise were there. And of course, my dad. The reason? He wants to make me suffer and embarrass me by turning on a re-run of a show that was aired yesterday. One of those music ones... Yeah, since the band got back together for recording we released a new single... And as of last week, for which the show was filmed it actually got top 40... And so, we were invited on the show and behind everyone's back, Syd said yes. And now we played it live on there.... Please help me...

Dad: "May I have your attention again?"

Ivan: "No!"

Dad: "Dammit Ivan, now I can't have the attention while I need it. Thanks a lot pal."

Ivan: "Your welcome! Hang on a minute... That was sarcasm, wasn't it?"

Roman: "One point for Sheldon Cooper."

Ivan: "Fuck you."

Dad: "Back to the main point please gentlemen, thank you."

They shut up again and now, everyone was looking at my dad. That included me and Dan. I wasn't exactly looking forward to this. I probably looked like a fool on there, would make a fool of myself and we'd end up being slaughtered in the media or something. Not a big deal, unless, you know, the media decide whether they'll like your song or not. Which wouldn't be a big deal, unless, you know, that's what your income is generated from. I don't even know whether Dan is aware we're going to watch this now. I think my dad told me only in advance. No one else.

Dad: "Now, as you know, we're here every Sunday to do this. However, today, there's a special event for the meeting."

(Y/N): 'Oh no, it's really going to happen...'

Dad: "Come over to the TV, let's see, what's on right now."

Ivan: "Look dude, if I wanted to watch TV, I could've just done it at home you know? Nothing that special is going to happen."

Dad: "Oh, believe me, there's going to happen something. And it'll be that special."

Dan: "We should go to channel 10, they now and then have Sock Of The Week compilations there on sundays."

Dad: "No, we won't do that today Dan. Actually, you should know what we'll be watching."

Dan: "The Great Remnant Bake Off?"

Dad: "No, you bloody- here, fine, just watch. No intro, no announcement or anything. The show should start in a minute. Anyone want coffee or tea by the way?"

Ivan: "Sure."

Dad: "That's not an answer. Which?"

Ivan: "Coffee."

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