Chapter 49: A Story To Be Told

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3rd POV

Syd heard the small bleeps that indicated that his call with (Y/N) had ended by now. He put his scroll back in his pocket and thought about what he just heard for a minute.

Syd: 'Back home huh? Well, probably best thing to do for now if he's right and safe indeed. I should probably call the others too now. He might be low on battery anyway now, so I guess I'll give them a call.'

And so, everyone else received a call from Syd about how (Y/N) had called him and said he was fine. After all, they split up while searching and not everyone could easily talk to each other face to face right now because of that. All the calls mostly went the same and ended in relief that their good friend was fine. The only one that stood out was the call to Neo. But then again, she and (Y/N) weren't just friends either.


Alright, only Neo left to call now. I'm so happy (Y/N)'s fine. I'm sure Neo will be happy to hear he's doing fine too. Probably even more than happy. I was looking at Neo's contact in my scroll when I realised that it was actually pretty much impossible to call Neo, simply enough for the obvious reason that Neo can't talk. Or well, let's put it this way: I never heard her talk. You can't know for sure until someone shows you their doctor's statement that they can't talk, right? Or does saying that make me sound like an asshole?

Syd: 'Eh, no time to think about that now. I'll just send her a text message.'

And so instead of calling her, I went to the chats app and started typing. At first I was a bit unsure of how to bring the news to her, but then I decided to just be a bit straightforward about it and tell her what happened. I guess being honest and not playing around with words too much would be more appreciated by most people anyway.

Syd: 'Hey Neo, just got a call from (Y/N). He's safe and heading back to the house. Are you coming too?'

I decided to start walking back home already while I'd wait for a reply from her. After a few minutes, that reply did come, but its contents did surprise me a bit.

Neo: 'Thank you that you told me, but (Y/N) already sent me a message saying the same already. In fact, we ran into each other just a minute or so ago. We'll be fine, we'll see you back home'

Although this was a surprise, it was a welcome one. I was glad that (Y/N) wasn't on his own, so in case something were to happen the chances of him disappearing again would be way smaller. Instead, he now had Neo with him, which meant basically having someone almost trained to kill with you as your bodyguard. I don't think everyone would like that idea, but believe me, in a situation like this, it would be quite useful probably.


3rd POV

Everyone was back home again now and all except for (Y/N) were curious what he had to say and what he had found. Obviously, (Y/N) wasn't curious what he had to say and what he found, because he already knew what he had to say and what he had found. Damn I'm such a funny narrator sometimes, I amaze myself with it. *deep sigh* I wonder why I'm not fired yet for this... Anyway, back to the story: everyone was sitting in the living room and Syd shoved (Y/N) towards the middle of the attention, basically another push to say 'go one, tell the story'. They all watched and listened as (Y/N) started explaining what had happened.

(Y/N): "So, we all left to explore the island and then I walked through this forest. Once I'd gotten out of it, I saw all these hill and just nothing on them. No trees, absolutely nothing. If there is such a thing as bald hills, this would've been bald hills. Anyway, I walked out of the forest and then felt something hit the back of my head. Next thing I know, I woke up in some weird cabin home thingy. And, even weirder to me, I was tied up."

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