Chapter 33: Meanwhile

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(A/N): Just because it's been a while, since we've seen it, a small reminder. Sorry if this is annoying. Neo talks through her scroll, the stuff she types on it, as you probably know. So, that's written 'like this', but not in the italics I use when people are thinking. Just to avoid some possible confusion in case you forgot about that. Also, i've been busy with school a lot latetly, so now and then instead of once every 3 days a chapter, it'll be a chapter once every 4 days. I hope you guys understand. Now, let's get on with the story. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Neo, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald, basically, the whole team if you think about it, were sitting at a table in Beacon's canteen for lunch now. Mercury and Emerald were busy with their own problems, such as fighting over the last sandwich with crisps on it. Why they decided to make such a thing is still a mystery to the world. But hey, some sort of you do you situation I guess. While they were arguing over who should get it, Neo and Cinder were also talking. Or well, talking, Neo can't talk. But you get the point, it was communication of some sorts. Neo was typing something on her scroll, while Cinder still had a bit of a worried look on her face. Finally, Neo had finished typing and showed her scroll to Cinder.

Neo: 'That Blake girl from team RWBY is going around asking people if they've seen (Y/N) and his team and I haven't seen them either. Do you think something happened to them?'

Cinder: "I wouldn't count on it no. Maybe they just don't feel well or decided to skip class today because they're still tired or something... Besides, if you really are that worried about (Y/N), can't you just send him a message on your scroll."

Neo remained silent after Cinder said this, but the reasons for this were unknown. And because nothing really happened, Cinder tried again, but with a more careful approach this time. She may be a bitch now and then, but she at least does care for her friends and teammates.

Cinder: "I mean, if you have his number on there, that is. It would be a bit hard to do if you didn't have it. But I'm sure you do, with how much time you've spent together, you must have his number. So come on, send him a message. Best way to see if he's doing fine after all."

However, yet again, Neo remained silent after Cinder finished talking. Cinder wasn't only worried now, but she was also getting slightly annoyed.

Cinder: "Listen Neo, even if you don't want to sent him a message, you can at least react to what I'm saying. It's polite. And here I was thinking Mercury was bad now and then."

Neo seemed to sigh and typed something on her scroll, which she showed to Cinder after she was done.

Neo: 'Yes, I do have his number.'

Cinder: "Then come on. What are you waiting for?"

Neo again didn't answer. But this time, Cinder wasn't that annoyed. It seemed she was getting a small idea herself of what was going on here now. She looked at Neo, who was looking down at the table and her plate of food, of which only a few small bites had been taken.

Cinder: "I think I see how it is."

Neo looked back at Cinder now, while the only other changes seemed to be the fact that her eyes seemed to be in a more alert state and her cheeks, which had a faint touch of red on them now. Cinder smirked a bit seeing this, knowing she was right or at least in the right direction.

Cinder: "I know you like (Y/N), but if you worry about him being fine you can still send him a message."

Neo looked a bit annoyed, but Cinder knew she was right. And so, after telling Neo a few more times she should just sent (Y/N) a message, Neo actually did. She opened her chat with (Y/N) on her scroll and typed something and sent it.

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