Chapter 4

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Zak sighed, staring off at the clock before realising that'd only make things go slower so instead he started doodling in his Math book. He sighed as his hand danced across the page, creating stick figures and emotes and flowers and whatever other patterns he could think of. He smiled at his masterpiece and began to colour in the hearts and stars with thick black marker in his hands.

"Skeppy. What are you doing?" Mega asked from across the table, confusion all over his face as he leaned on his hand.

"Shut up, Mega, I'm drawing," Zak huffed, colouring one corner a full solid square of black.

"Can I see?" Mega asked, just wanting to laugh at the other's artwork.

"No! You'd ruin it, you're so ugly that you're eyes would burn the page," Skeppy shouted and slammed his hands on the table.

The teacher- Mr Harrison, glared at the boy, stomping over angrily, "What were you sayi- Zak Carder, take your book to the principals office now!"

Zak sighed, sliding his book off the table smoothly into his hands and grabbing 'his' backpack off the floor. He glared at the other as he passed and as he walked out the room, he slammed the door, stomping down the hallway angrily.

"Stupid Mega," He whispered, gripping the book as his teeth seethed with anger, "Getting me in trouble again."

He stopped for a minute. Letting out a deep sigh and looking through his book again.  There was no way he could take this to the principal, she'd probably kick him out the school for vandalising. Zak sighed, knowing he couldn't go back to class either. He looked down at the book in his hands as his eyes grew teary before solemnly walking to the principals office. He knocked lightly, not wanting to be heard yet his prayers being denied as she yelled a quick, "Come in."

"Hello, Mr Carder, take a seat."

Zak shut the door behind him and sat down in the seat, still staring downwards.

"Now, what's going on?"

Zak looked up with his teary eyes and sniffled handing her the book before crossing his arms and huffing.

"I- Oh. Zak, you do know this is- Okay, discipline isn't working, being strict isn't working, doing nothing isn't working. Zak, I have an idea that may help you," The blonde woman spoke softly, placing the book to the side and speaking to the boy as though he was five. "How about I get one of the boys from the Tutoring - Mental Health students and he can be a, sort of, buddy in your lessons? Now you have the choice to disagree but that'd mean I'd have to punish you further and I really don't want that and frankly you shouldn't either Zak. Now, do you want me to continue?"

The boy shook slightly, almost unnoticeable as he sniffled out.

"Yes, Miss."

The teacher sighed and smiled at the younger boy before whispering under her breath, "Hm, who has the most progress on their coursework?"

She smiled as she picked up the microphone and turned it on, entering a speaker, "Can Darryl Noveschoch come to my office? Thank you."

Zak's eyes went wide before he shrunk back into his chair. Anyone but him, things were probably going to be so awkward.

"He should be here soon, Zak. Don't worry, Darryl is one of my top students and he's going to help you focus more and learn, okay?"

Zak nodded, wiping his eyes with Vincent's black hoodie sleeves, "Can we just do a trial period for now?"

The principal thought for a second before nodding. Silence enveloped the room as they waited for the boy, the principal writing some terms down onto a piece of paper. After five minutes there was a light knock on the door.

"Come on in," the principal shouted and the boy hesitantly walked in, the door shutting lightly behind him. "Hello Darryl, please take a seat next to Zak."

Darryl was confused to say the least. He was nervous that he was getting in trouble, that would ruin his almost perfect record!

"Now, I'd like to give you this once in a lifetime opportunity to join this new event."

"Okay? But Miss, why is-"

"Let me explain first, Darryl. Zak, stand up," the boy stood up, his hands hidden by his hoodie, "Darryl, this is Zak Carder and he'll be the boy you're tutoring during lessons. This will of course disrupt your learning time, however; three of your main courses will automatically be completed with an 'A*' if you complete the tutoring. Zak Carder has troubles to focus and behave so I need a role model like you to help him develop his skills, can you do that? Oh, maybe I should've asked Dave or-"

"No I can do it!" Darryl gasped out, standing up as Zak glanced at him nervously. "How long does this course last?"

The teacher thought for a second as she sorted through some files on her desk, "Zak just wanted a trial period. So for now, there will be a weeks trial period and a follow up session after school with me. Sound good?"

Both boys nodded sitting back down.

"Okay so Darryl I'll print off Zaks timetable and send it to you sometime today. Here's a note explaining it and I want you to go back to Math with Zak, okay?" The blonde principal smiled kindly, handing Darryl the note before handing Zak his math book back. "Have a good day, boys. I'll speak to you tomorrow."

Zak nodded standing up whilst Darryl opened the door for him... Maybe he didn't recognise it was him?

They got out into the hallway and Zak heard Darryl sigh really loud.

Zak whispered an apology of sorts, feeling bad for the other, "Sorry for getting you wrapped into this..."

Darryl looked down at the boy, shaking his head gently, "No, it's fine, you muffin. How are you feeling? You didn't look to good last night."

"Oh! I- I um, I'm fine... hey, I don't really remember last night, do you think, that, well, you could fill me in?"

Darryl's eyes widened, this popular baseball kid was nervous to talk to him, that had to mean something, "Oh well, I'll tell you after class, we're already at your math lesson."

Zak sighed, hiding his hands in the sleeves as he fiddled with his fingers and entered the room once again.

"Don't let this distract you, class." Mr Harrison spoke, walking over to Zak and Darryl, "Zak Carder, welcome back. Oh hello Darryl What brings you here?"

Darryl nervously handed the man the note, not trusting himself to speak properly. Math teachers always scared him, he didn't know why either.

"Hm, I see," Mr Harrison looked around the classroom, specifically at Zak's table, "Zelkam move next to Mega so BadBoyHalo can sit there."

The brunet moved and Zak sat down, Darryl following soon after, gently placing his bag on the floor.

"Welcome back, Skep," Mega smirked, chuckling to himself.

"Shut up," Zak sighed opening his book, trying to find a clean page, "This is your fault and you kno-"

Zak was cut off by a hand other his mouth, he looked up in shock at Darryl, who grinned calmly before signalling him to be quiet.

'This is gonna be a long day.'

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