Chapter 10

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Darryl woke up to an empty feeling in his chest as he looked around the couch... Where was Zak? Just as he was about to call out to him, he heard the soft snores coming from below him. What the? He looked at the side of the couch and found Zak on the floor.

'He must have rolled off in his sleep.'

Darryl laughed quietly before cautiously getting off the couch, careful as to not step on the other. He sighed taking a look at the other again, he looked extremely uncomfortable. Darryl quickly stretched before going to open his bedroom door, noticing it was still dark outside he frowned slightly. What time was it? He moved around to find his phone but unfortunately it was dead, he sighed as he put it on charge before gently shaking Zak awake, even going as far as to sit him up. Zak groaned as he curled into himself, somehow still sat upright before leaning into Darryl's chest.

Darryl sighed before speaking softly, "Hey baby, come on, how about we move to the bed so it's more warm and comfy?"

He heard the other hum in reply but got no other response. He sighed before grabbing the young boy's hands and wrapping them around his own neck to keep him balance, he moved his own arms around Zak's waist as he half dragged, half walked Zak to the bed. He watched as the other sloppily clambered in and tucked him in gently before kissing his forehead again. Darryl sighed as he checked on the now slightly charged phone 4:17am before shutting the door and lying back down on the couch, snuggling under the fluffy black blanket. The warmth wrapping around him as he huddled closer to the back of the couch before darkness slowly wrapped him up.

Zak woke up first, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he curled into himself, trying to block out the sun that shone in through the half-opaque curtains. He sat up, groaning as he stretched before looking around to find an unfamiliar room. He moved his legs and stood up, adjusting his hair to look nicer using his hand. He sighed as he opened the door to find out where he was, noticing that the TV was on, the screen paused on the movie the boys were watching last night and forced Zak to remember the events of last night. He cringed as he wondered how he got into Darryl's bed. He frowned before moving to the couch, wanting to sit down before noticing the other was there. He groaned before deciding he was hungry and stomped to the kitchen to find a snack. He opened the cupboards for a minute before finally finding something sweet and full of sugar, but also a bit weird.

'Why does Darryl have a cupboard filled to the brim with just blueberry muffins?'

Zak shrugged, not really caring anymore after his stomach rumbled as he took a muffin and slammed the cupboard shut before sitting on the kitchen counter due to a lack of places to sit. There was silence for a bit except for a few cars humming outside as he ate. After around ten minutes of Zak scrolling through twitter and facebook, he got boed and decided to just wake the sleeping brunette up. Carefully, he crept over to the couch where the older lay peacefully, then he screeched down the others ear. Darryl panicked and shot up, before glaring harshly at Zak.

"Ow, you muffin! That really hurt," Darryl huffed, rubbing his ear, which Zak had just screamed into. He was not a morning person and right now he was extremely angry, his face transforming into a shade of red.

Zak giggled before jokingly continuing, "What's with you and muffins? You have like a cupboard full of them and you say it all the ti-"

"Get out." Darryl spoke quickly and harshly, his face almost emotionless despite the anger clear in his voice.

"W-what? Darryl I-," Zak stuttered, clearly shocked about how the other reacted to his joke.

Darryl shook his head, throwing the blankets off him and pushing Zak out the door, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"But Darryl I-"

Zak huffed as the door was slammed in his face and he began to tear up, letting out one last sob before walking elsewhere, if Darryl didn't want him, he'd just go.

'Why do I always mess things up?'

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