Chapter 18

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"Can Zak Carder come to the principal's office? I repeat, can Zak Carder please come to the principal's office?" The speaker echoed loudly, scaring a few of the quieter students who were actually doing the work. Today was a day where Darryl wasn't in, out on experience or something- which allowed Zak to get extremely distracted. Zak hearing his name instantly shot up from where he was sleeping at his desk. He huffed, noticing his science teacher glaring at him to hurry up. He slid his bag off the floor and into his arms, carrying it like a child out of class and as he walked down the corridor he adjusted it to his back.

He knocked on once, quietly and a bit nervously, not completely understanding why he was already in the office, it's not like he'd done anything wrong just yet or even got in complete trouble so why was he here?

As she called him in, his stomach grew more and more anxious and he quietly shuffled to sit down in the seat in front of the somewhat busy woman.

"Zak! Good to see you once again, your math score has improved a lot since last time, good job!"

"I- Thank you, I wouldn't have been able to focus if it wasn't for Darryl so you should be congratulating him!" Zak giggled in reply, his nerves slowly calming down a lot more.

"Well, he's out on a school trip with the business class, if I'm correct. I'm really proud of you for this by the way, but now we actually have to have a completely serious talk."

Zak paused for a second, his nerves coming back once more as the pit in his stomach grew. His voice cracked slightly as he replied, nervous to know what she needed from him, "Y-Yeah?"

"Your mother came in early yesterday... She was asking about you."

Zak huffed, of course, this was about his mother, what else could it possibly be about?

"There was a certain question that she asked which needed answering. So I took the liberty of checking and now I will ask you this important question, Zak." The principal spoke turning around to stare at Zak harshly, just wanting a truthful answer from the boy. "So Zak, what've you been having for lunch?"

"W-well, I've been going out with Darryl to the Senior food courts," He smiled politely and awkwardly not understanding the Principal's question completely, "Why? What did my mom ask?"

"She asked if you've been eating properly, with all these videogames you teenagers play nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot to eat a few meals, Zak."

"O-Oh, I mean, I eat quite a lot I'd say. Me, Vincent and Darryl go to a cafe together after school most days so I definitely eat there and then I have cereal for breakfast and-"

"Don't tell me, write it down," She spoke softly handing him a black book with lined paper in, "In here. Your mom asked me personally to give you this, she wants me to watch over it along with you... It's a food diary."

Zak took the book awkwardly, not really understanding why this conversation was happening but happy to just be out of his lesson. He sighed as she motioned for him to stand up, "Once again, I'm proud of your improvements Zak. It seems you work a lot better with someone keeping you in check so I'll be sure to allow you on the school trip."

"School trip?"

"Yes. Don't tell your peers yet until I've confirmed everything but I have organised an upcoming trip to Disney World due to excellent attendance, behaviour and proper punctuality, of course only the best of the best will be going but, I feel as though it's a well-deserved trip, no?"

"I guess so."

"Anyways, Mr Carder, I've kept you from your lesson for far too long so please head back for me, say hello to your teacher as well."

"Yes, Ms."

The day dragged on after that, Zak was somewhat concerned with whatever his mom was planning. Was she going to expose him? Well for what his life was worth, he was going to lie as he depended on it because, in a way, it did. He huffed, stomping into Vincent's dorm and sitting aggressively on the beanbag next to Vincent.

"And hello to you too, grumpy."

Zak sighed as he looked at the boy who was currently playing around with his Minecraft settings. 

"Sorry, I'm just annoyed with my mom."

Vincent sat up fully, interested in the gossip he was about to spill, "She actually came to the school?"

"Yes! Do you know what's worse?"

Vincent hummed in reply, wanting a response quickly.

"She told them about my eating issues!"

There was a brief pause of silence before Vincent spoke up, his words catching his throat for a second, "W-wait what?"

"Yeah! They're forcing me to write a food diary or whatever it's supposed to be," Zak groaned, lying back slightly.

"Really? I didn't think they could force you into anything."

"Well, they certainly have leverage on me, Vince. One more bad thing and I'm outta the school! Besides, there's this really cool trip going on apparently that I wanna be on and so do you. Anyways, I've got a plan."

Zak grinned as he whispered his plan into Vincent's ear, Vincent agreeing and confirming things as they discussed it in hushed tones. 

"I promise I'll keep this from Darryl for you," Vincent spoke softly, smiling reassuringly to the older. Vincent saved his settings before opening up some random server.

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you," Zak replied, shutting his eyes as he got over the shock of before, "Besides your my second favourite person."

"Only second?"

"Wellllllll... Darryl's in first so."

"Heh, whatever, lover boy."

"Shut up!"

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