Chapter 5

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Darryl smiled at the younger, standing up and picking up both of their bags, "So lunch?"

"I- Okay..." Zak mumbled, messing with the hoodie strings, "We have to go find my friend, Vincent."

"Ooo, is he also from Form Invaded?" Darryl asked, wanting to know more about the form and the people inside, he didn't often get a chance to talk to people outside of his form as he was busy studying or helping the other members.

Zak shook his head, "He's from Sakura."


Zak felt awkward and nervous, his school idol had been hanging with him all morning and now he wanted to get lunch with Zak, which wasn't even required, it set into Zak's mind that Darryl had actually asked him about lunch, not just being forced into it. Maybe he was just being nice but Zak was excited to finally get to talk to the intelligent, inspiring male.

"So what does your friend Vincent look li-" Darryl began but was cut off by the shouting of a tall, brunet Male, wearing some black-framed glasses and hazel eyes. Red jacket, white T-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Skeppy! Get over here, nerd," Dave waved his arm as he frowned with frustration. Zak nervously coughed, not wanting the other to notice him but sighed, grabbing Darryl's wrist and dragging him over to the taller.

"Technoblade? Why are we going to him?" Darryl whispered in Zak's ear as they walked over.

"Yeah, he called me, he wants something," Zak frowned as they reached the tall brunet.

"Oh, you brought a friend."

"Well, um, I-"

"Whatever, So you coming to tonight's party after the game."

Zak's face paled as he grew angrier, "No! You lied to me last time and then I got drunk, because of you! I'm sick of you, lying to me, shouting at me, urging me to do things that I don't want!"

Darryl froze up, so this was the cause of the boy's drunken state last night. This male.

Dave's face grew red with rage his brows furrowing, "Fucking speak to me like that again, fucking see Zak. I will ruin you. Both you and your little boyfriend."

Dave whispered the last part in Zak's ear before pushing the boy into Darryl who caught him safely.

"I- I," Zak began but couldn't finish due to the growing panic and fear in his chest, all rage gone and the sound of laughter filled his ear as he sprinted to the boy's bathroom. Darryl following after whilst another boy who had watched the whole show stormed over to Technoblade.
Vincent frowned as he watched Dave get closer to Zak, he was sick of watching Zak get pushed around. Just as he was about to storm over he noticed Zak run off and he frowned his chest growing with adrenaline as he stormed over pushing over some teen who was in his way as he walked over to the small gang, who were laughing their heads off.


"A6d, right?"

"Not to you. I only let people I like, call me nice names," Vincent growled at the other, intimidating him slightly despite the obvious height difference. "You upset my friend a lot over the past few months, and I'm sick of him coming to my dorm when he's drunk. Leave Zak alone!"

Dave frowned for a second before thinking and starting to grin, "Train for another 200 years and I might actually listen to you."

Vincent huffed stomping off to find Zak, it was worthless to even try to talk to that dickhead. He sighed as he entered the bathroom noticing a taller boy holding the younger, who was shaking violently, his head against his chest softly.

"Um hello?" Vincent whispered, not wanting to scare Zak despite being his closest friend, he knew what kinda state he was in.

He carefully stepped closer, Darryl giving him a confused face as he rubbed Zaks back.

"Hey Zak, I saw what happened," Vincent began laying a hand on his shoulder gently. "If you want we can head to the café later, you know the one that sells the really nice blueberry muffins and hot chocolate?"

Zak looked up to the other and smiled softly, nodding as he wiped his eyes carefully, "Can Darryl come?"

Darryl blinked in confusion, 'why does he want me to come?'

Zak smiles at the older as Vincent nods, "I don't see why not. So what's up with you and Darryl then?"

Silence. Not awkward just silence... until Zak interrupted it excitedly.

"Oh right. This is BadBoyHalo, the class president of Munchy as well as one of the best writers in the school! He helps me in my lessons and stuff," Zak blabbered as Darryl grew slightly flustered that the boy knew about him despite Darryl researching the boy himself as well.

"Oh, that's why you want him to come, right?"

Zak huffed glaring at the other before grinning, "Shut up, I'm tired."

Zak sighed laying his head back on Darryl's chest, seeking warmth and comfort. His face flushed yet hidden between the fabric of a creeper t-shirt.

"Hey muffins, we should probably get some food now," Darryl spoke patting Zak's back awkwardly, slightly confused as to why the other was so 'clingy' but maybe that was just his character? "I'm kinda hungry."

Vincent nodded, agreeing with the other so the three set foot back in the cafeteria, quickly getting food and sitting down at a table together, "So Zak, I'll meet you at your dorm in like 10 after school?"

"Alright Vince," The other spoke, nibbling on an apple slice, "Oh, Darryl, can I have your number to message you the address? Unless you also want to meet at my dorm?"

Darryl thought for a second, smiling softly, no one had ever asked for his number before, he knew now that this was the start of a great friendship, "Alright, I'll write my number down and you can message me your dorm room and I'll come over?"

"Sounds good to me, Darryl. Oh, I got to get to class early, talk to you later guys," Vincent spoke standing up before turning back to face the others, "And Zak... don't get in trouble."


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