Chapter 25

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Zak let out a hum as he poured the liquid into a tub, putting the lid on quickly as to keep the somewhat well-made food warm and delicious. He smiled as he cleaned the pan before racing off down the dorm's hallways with his tub in hand, his face radiating with pride and excitement as he moved swiftly towards the senior dorms. He never really learned to take a slow pace or to stop running in the halls so he continued to do so, every so often, having to dodge and avoid teenagers who were probably heading to some weird party... But not Zak, instead Zak was visiting his sick boyfriend, whom he had made some 'appetizing' soup for.

Zak grinned as he knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the other to open it up for him, the warm tub in his arms held safely and tightly as he was worried he would drop it but also just wanting to see the older. Zak heard shuffling on the other side and a few sniffles before Darryl opened the door for him. Darryl was wearing some red plaid pajama bottoms and a plain black t-shirt, his hair unkempt and uncombed and his eyes still half shut as he rubbed them. He had just woken up around five minutes ago. Darryl's eyes widened as he caught sight of the younger.

"Zak? What are you doing here?"

Zak pushed past Darryl, handing him the tub on the way past as he jumped onto the older's couch, settling between two dark grey cushions and grabbing the TV remote.  

"Well, Vincent told me you were ill so I took the liberty of making you some soup!"

Darryl shook his head, smiling as he was happy to see the other, he gently shut the door as he grabbed a spoon from his kitchen, sitting down next to Zak as he tried finding something to watch.

"I told Vincent to tell you not to come over because you might get sick," Darryl spoke before taking a spoonful of Skeppy's concoction, "Wait, what did you say was in this?"

"Oh uh, potatoes, carrots, onion, chicken and this weird spice I found in a6d's kitchen. But if you don't want me to get ill, why are you not kicking me out?" Zak giggled in confusion as he stopped looking through Netflix to look at his boyfriend. 

Darryl sighed as he took another spoon and immediately retching as he realized how bad Zak was at cooking, he quickly swallowed it down, he no longer wanted it in his mouth, "I'll uh, save the rest for later. Also, you're already here now, no point saving you from your inevitable doom."

Zak laughed at the thought of Darryl being right, "Sure, I won't get ill, my immune system is hella strong."

"God, no. Just put a show on babe, I'm gonna put this delicious meal in the fridge for later... I'm also getting us a blanket, it's cold."


Zak let out a chuckle, knowing that the other didn't really like his cooking and to be honest, he didn't like his own cooking, he's never been the best at it although he did enjoy it, it was calming. He grinned as he found the perfect film for Darryl.

"Hey, Darry?" Zak called to the other who was looking through his wardrobe for something.


"How do you feel about the Pokemon series?"

He heard Darryl shuffle into the front room and sit down next to him. 



"You want to watch pokemon?"Zak watched Darryl's face turn into one of confusion, Darryl bit his lip, not really wanting to watch bright shows and kind of just wanting to sleep at the moment but also not wanting to be a rude host, "I mean, I guess if you want to we can watch pokemon, you muffin."

Zak frowned, noticing the other's discomfort, before speaking up seriously for once, "If you don't feel that good, I can just go back to my room?"

"No, no, stay if you want. I'm just tired," As if on cue, Darryl let out a soft yawn, snuggling into the blanket closer to Zak, "Watch whatever you want, I'll probably fall asleep anyways..."

Zak listened to the heavy breathing of Darryl before putting on an old TV show, not really caring for the show and to busy listening to Darryl's light suffering. He huffed feeling terrible for the older, "I can only stay for like an hour, I have practice, Darryl."

"Uh-huh, you can... go to practice later." Darryl trailed off, his eyes slowly closing and Zak attempted to focus on the screen but the warmth of the other's body made Zak too comfortable and soon he too drifted into a peaceful slumber...

His body jolted awake, his eyes slammed open as he realized just how long he was sleeping for, he was going to be late! He huffed, pushing Darryl's head down onto a pillow before rushing out the dorm to his own to grab his kit and his phone. 17.49pm. He groaned, he had 11 minutes to get changed and down to the field. His heart and body pounded with adrenaline as he ran down four flights of staircases and into the locker room, pulling his hoodie from over his head and quickly exchanging his day clothes into his baseball kit before rushing out onto the field where everyone else was waiting. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized the coach was nowhere to be seen-

"Zak Carder! Get over here." 

Zak moaned quietly as he walked to where the coach was stood under the shade, hidden from the rest of the team who were running laps as a warm-up. Zak stood in front of the adult, preparing himself for another lecture for being late.

"You've missed the past two weeks' worth of training and one match. You're constantly late and are clearly not fit to stay as captain... Maybe even stay on the team at all, listen, Zak. You're a good kid and all, but maybe baseball just isn't for you. I heard there's this really good opportunity open for art kids at Denson's." The old man spoke loud and clearly, one of the members from the team hearing and quickly sharing the news with the others.

"Wait... what?" Zak's face dropped drastically, his lips pouting and his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "Are you suggesting I move schools? Sure I was late a few times but coach! You can't kick me, please! I- I- Baseball is one of the only things my mom likes about me, if I were to quit now she'd kill me for sure! Please Coach, I-"

"Zak. Go home, we'll speak about this tomorrow, during the teacher conference."

"But I-"


Zak's eyes watered as he slowly and numbly walked towards the door of the building, entering the locker room only to see Dave, changing into his kit. 


He heard his name get called as he nonchalantly got changed, tears slowly dripping down his face as he pulled on his clothes from before, clearly upset. Dave sighed softly, not really understanding what happened considering he was just changing but decided to try and comfort the boy anyways. He slid his arms around Zak's chest and pulled him into a hug from behind, laying his head softly on the boy's shoulder before whispering into his ear, "It's gonna be okay."

Zak turned around, wrapping his arms around the other's chest, his face hidden by the older's baseball kit. He let out a small shaky sob, his breath getting caught in his chest by the pain and rejection he had just received.

"Zak... What happened?"

It hit him like a slap to the face, his eyes smoked with pain and sadness as he looked up to meet the other's gaze.

"They... They kicked me from the team, Dave."


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