Chapter 21

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Darryl sighed as he gently knocked on the younger's dorm room, noticing the other's bad mood before. He waited patiently for the younger to open the door and when he received no answer he grew concerned, knocking once more. He waited another five minutes before he heard a groan and a shuffling from inside before he came face to face with... Technoblade?

"I- Techno?"


"I- Yeah, is Zak home?"

"Yeah he's asleep on the couch. He called me and he was crying so I came over and I kinda have to go so can you stay with him? I don't trust him on his own right now."

"Yeah! Go ahead, I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner." Darryl spoke quickly, just wanting to see the younger. It's not that he didn't trust the tall brunet but he didn't exactly know the boy and that was enough to put Darryl on edge.

"No don't worry about it, you didn't know."

'But I should've known...'

The smaller brunette smiled softly as a goodbye as Dave quickly left, sitting down next to the younger, waiting patiently for him to wake up. After half an hour, he heard a soft whispering mumble and noticed Zak sitting up slowly, rubbing his eyes as he curled back into himself.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

"Nghhh, Darry?"

Darryl smiled gently at the younger, rubbing his arm to wake him up further, "Yep, I'm here."

"Oh, why? How did you get in?"

"Dave let me in before he left. Are you feeling okay?"

"I- Yeah... no, no I'm not okay, Darryl!" Zak began, muttering under his breath, not wanting the moment to end but also not wanting it to start. Feeling entirely trapped and pressured into releasing his held in emotions.

Darryl's gaze softened as he pulled the other into his arms and onto his lap, hugging him tightly, "Tell me all about it, little muffin."

Zak let out a soft sob, turning to look the other in the eyes as he sat on his lap, "I- I'm scared.  I feel like you and Vincent are gonna leave me for D-Dream and- and you two are the best things to ever happen to me. I'd give up everything for you two and I really, really, really don't want to lose you. My mom won't stop until she gets answers and I'm not ready to come out to her yet and I- I need you. I know I'm being really stupid but..."


"I- I love you so much, Darryl! It hurts to love you because you're not ready for a relationship yet and-"

Zak was cut off by the feeling of lips on his, he quickly closed his eyes kissing back tightly, not wanting to release the other. Zak pulled away after realising something.

"Listen to me, Zak. Dream could never replace you and your mom? We can just ignore her for now, Okay? You don't need to tell her anything until you're ready. We can go at our own pace, just because I don't want to be your boyfriend just yet doesn't mean I don't want to at all... Look, I want to be your boyfriend but I want us to remember our times together. Zak... will you... will you come on one date tomorrow, there's a really fancy reservation at Frankie & Benny's?"

"I- Yes! Oh my- Darryl, you promise me it will happen soon though?"

"I promise, I love you so much more than you know."

"I- Oh god, okay, okay. Wait, wait, wait...Tomorrow? I can't do tomorrow... I have a game on!"

"Really? Oh shoot, I already- Okay, uhh, you know, maybe we can change dates and I can take... someone else? I don't want you to miss your game if you want to go."

Zak sniffled, the stress from before coming back quickly. "Maybe... maybe I can ask Dave to fill in for me... do you think- Do you think he would?"

"We can always ask, Zak... you don't have to do this though..."

"But Darryl, I-"

"No, it's ok!"

"But I was really looking forward to it for tomorrow... I- Where's my phone? I'm calling Dave."


"I think I put it on the counter."


"Ah Yep! Here it is!"


Zak paused, scared that the other would shout at him for something, "Uh-Huh.

"I love you." Darryls voice was filled with such adoration and love, it made Zak's heart skip a beat as he called Dave. He really hoped this was worth it. Dave answered quickly, walking back home from somewhere loud apparently.


"Skep, what can I do for you?"

"Look, Darryl has reservations for a super fancy restaurant but I have a-"

"Game?" Dave smirked, happy that the other was finally getting out the house more, "Sure, I'll fill in for you. You owe me one though."

"Of course. Thank you so much!"

Dave sighed as Zak hung up. Of course that's all he would want.

Darryl smiled, the sound of birds chirping in the background of the morning sky was calming as well as the soft snores from the younger boy next to him.


"Mhmm," Zak mumbled under his breath, not entirely awake.

"Are you ready to get up?"

"Uh huhhh, jus', jus' fi'e more minu..." Zak trailed off and slept more leaving Darryl to chuckle slightly at the younger's cuteness. Eventually Zak gets up and they both change, Darryl heading back to his dorm for some more clothes before heading to school.

'Only 6 hours to go'

The day seemed to pass quickly, both boys doing work and also chatting from time to time during their lessons that were now shared. Darryl used the lesson for revision when he didn't need to explain it to Zak. Darryl grinned as the last bell of the day rang loudly throughout the school, echoing through the empty corridors until they flooded with pupils trying to get out. It was a Friday after all.

Darryl smiles as he looked at his lover.

A black dress shirt, black dress pants and some shoes as well as a red tie whereas Darryl wore a white polo shirt, black dress pants and some white shoes with a turquoise tie.

"You look amazing, baby." Darryl whispered quietly in Zak's ear, kissing the crook of his neck.

"I- You too, Darry."

Darryl smiled gently at the nervous boy, calming him down a lot before they actually arrived. Darryl held the others hand gently before decided to go one step further and hold Zaks waist and not just his hand. Zak leaned his head on Darryl's shoulder as they walked in sync to Darryl's car.

"Try not to throw up this time," Zak giggled as he sat down, kissing the other as the other went to the other side of the car and began to drive.

"Well, no promises. Your love might be just too much for me."

"I- Sure."

The two boys laughed along to each other in the car. The sun setting calmly in front of them as they almost reached their destination.

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