Chapter 30

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Zak held Darryl's hand in his own. The sunset of the night was calming to both boys as they walked along the sidewalk,    hand in hand ready for their next big journey. Zak's soft smile came to a halt as Darryl stopped moving as they reached the front of the small pond before them. Zak turned in confusion to look at the other curiously, Darryl smiled softly, letting go of Zak's hand and kissing Zak's cheek before getting down on one knee and pulling a small navy blue box out of his pocket.

"Uh, Darryl? You know I'm not old enough ye-"

"Oh shut up, my muffin," Darryl grinned, opening the box to Zak excitedly, "Zak! One I'm not engaging to you just yet, it's way too soon for that and I want to take things somewhat slowly. Having said that, babe..."

Zak's face fell as he looked at the man in front of him, he didn't want to marry him? Darryl smiled softly, standing up and picking the ring out of the box.

"Zak Carder, from the moment we met, I knew you were a keeper. Despite me believing you were a total alcoholic, I knew you were capable of so much more so I desired to help you. After spending time with you, admittedly a lot more than I should have, I realised and appreciated the small things about you, like the way you lower your brows when your angry or annoyed. Or how when you lie your nose twitches a little and you're hands tremble slightly. I realised just how much I need you and want you in my life," Darryl paused, looking at the ring and sliding it carefully onto Zak's hand, "So no, I'm not proposing to you, baby. I'm giving you a promise ring. I promise I will never purposefully hurt you, I promise I'll stay with you forever until you want me to go or till death do us part. I promise to care for you when your sick or upset and I promise to love you even when you're at your worst. I promise you, I'll love you forever and more."

Zak stepped back slightly, totally shocked and surprised by the others words and gestures. His heart practically melted, his eyes filled with admiration and love as he swung himself into the others arms, pulling him into a tight hug and kissing his face over and over before pulling away once more.

Zak cleared his throat to speak, holding Darryl's face with his hands as he mumbled gently, "Darryl Noveschoch. Where do I begin? I've admired you ever since I started in freshman year, we actually met once before, someone threw my sketchbooks all over the floor and you picked them up for me. You made my life better, because when you did that, I was in a really bad place. I wasn't okay. My mom would constantly ignore me and I practically had no friends, heck, I even got bullied once. My point is you made me think better of my life, you made me realise that people cared and people loved me. I've admired your work for a long time and ever since we began talking consistently my world got brighter and the sun shine harder. I may be really cheesy and annoying right now, in fact I may be for awhile considering my whole predicament but I also promise to love you forever and care for you even though you always care for me."

Darryl smiled wider than ever before pulling Zak in closer by the waist and kissing him, the kiss was passionate and loving, the kiss wasn't forceful or lustful just two lovers showing how much they truly cared for each other. Darryl was first to pull away for once, wanting to appreciate Zak's beautiful face, he smirked as Zak opened his eyes slowly and smiled back, his stomach doing flips once more.

"Darryl, I love you so much."

"But I love you so much more, now you want KFC or McDonald's before our first session of finding out what you really want to do so your amazing boyfriend can help you?"

Zak paused, taking in what Darryl just said, "I think it's time for a change, how about KFC?"

Darryl smiled reassuringly and nodded, "I think that's a lovely idea, babe."

"Oh! Can we do that weird session thing on the hill that we first went on? When we stared at the stars together?"

Darryl grinned, kissing the others cheek before dragging him along, "Yep, I've got a blanket we can sit on in the trunk."

"God, I love you."


The two boys sat on the grey and white checkered blanket, a bucket of chicken on Zak's lap whilst Zak sat on Darryl's lap. Darryl pulled another chicken from the bucket, eating it happily.

"You know Darryl, I think I want to be a full time artist."

"I think that's a great idea, maybe you could illustrate one of my books."

"Only if you want me to, Darry."

Zak turned his head as Darryl kissed his lips one more, craning his neck to be comfortable for Zak. They soon drew away from each other.

"I guess we'll just have to find it in the sequel to our story."

"Our story of love?"

"Nope, our story of life... together."

Zak kissed the other once more, leaning onto Darryl's chest and getting comfortable, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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