Time will be enough

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Your pov

Emerson had just gotten home from tour. You missed him like crazy. FaceTime calls and texts weren't enough. You wish you could go on tour with them, but you had to work. You may be dating a famous person but you wanted to work to feel like you helped out. You have off of work for a week. You two plan on hanging out together for a while. All week actually. "Y/n wake up hon" he said gently "ok Em" even for just waking up you are in an amazing mood. "Morning my love" em says making your heart flutter. You reach up and kiss him softly. "Aw Emerson thanks for making me hot chocolate. You didn't have to do that for me." He smiles softly, my lord he's so precious. "I wanted to. I know I didn't have to. You see I love you. I missed you." "Aw Emmy I missed you too. Come cuddle with me." He climbs in bed and you press your head on his warm chest. He smiles sweetly. "You know y/n it's our 2 year anniversary soon. What should we do?" He says and you smile. "Can we go have a picnic? Then come home and relax?" "Absolutely ma chèrie. What do you say we get dressed and go get some breakfast?" " I would love that thanks em" you say kissing him again. "Do you want to go to The Shiny Diner? We can go out after." You nod your head yes and get up. "Emmy what should I wear? I can't choose." You say gently "wear the blouse with the hearts on it and your red pants. They look really nice on you." He kisses your forehead and you smile "Thanks babe. What would I do without you? You're the best thing that happened to me. You still are."


You get in the car and drive to the diner. You also wear one of your beautiful boyfriend's hats. He loves his hats. "Y/n you look beautiful ma chèrie. I can't think of anyone else I'd want to be with. You are truly exceptional." You wanted to melt "Emerson Barret Kropp you are perfect. You know that? Because you are. You're my perfect angel." He smiles and giggles. You finally realize something. He is being very secretive. "Em why are you being so secretive? You are really confusing me."


You get home from a long day out. It's 6:30 and you guys lay down on the couch. You get up to get a drink and Emerson runs off to your shared room. You turn around and bam there he is. OH MY GOD HES ON ONE KNEEEE. KHCKLHVLHVKHLCKCLHCLHCLHC "y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" You're now crying (happy tears) "I will. I'm forever yours. Now the deal is sealed." He stands up picks you up and spins you around. You kiss him passionately. Just like that you're engaged. Engaged to the man of your dreams.

"Y/n I love you" Emerson says making you tear up even more

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"Y/n I love you" Emerson says making you tear up even more. "Not as much as I love you. You know we should call everyone and tell them." You say gently and calmly "Okay. Have I ever told you that you are my muse?" "Awwwwww em that's so sweet. I love you."


You have called everyone by now. It's now 7:45 at night and you guys just ate dinner. Pasta with garlic and butter. Just the way Emerson likes it. "Can I say something?" He says "Absolutely my love" you reply "I never thought that I'd find love, then y/n I found you."


It's the next morning, and yours and Emerson's anniversary. "Mornin' sleeping beauty" you say kissing his lips lightly "Good morning beautiful. Happy anniversary! 2 years flies by in a flash." You smile, his words fill you with joy. "Happy anniversary baby! Here's to us." He kisses you, he wraps his arms around your back, holding you close. "Do you want to go on a walk?" He says to you, you can see the love in his beautiful eyes. "Sure thing babe" you say kissing his cheek as you get up to get dressed for your walk.

You post that on Snapchat

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You post that on Snapchat. It's your new favorite picture. You have to make it his contact picture. "Aw baby you look so good!" You say to your knight in shining armor. "Not as good as you" he says dipping you back into a romantic kiss. "We should head home so that we can fix up a picnic for brunch" "ok Emmy"


It's hours later and you have just gone on a stroll through a local park. "Babe, Can we go see a movie?" He asks and damn he is so freaking adorable. "What do you want to see my love?" You ask back at him a smile on your face "Can we go see malificent?" "Absolutely Emerson"

Ma Chèrie (Hold me in your arms)Where stories live. Discover now