I see you dance tonight

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Your pov

"Babe have you seen my hat?" You hear from a nearby room. "Which one my love, you have like 20." You reply. "The one with the hoop and the tear in it." You hear Emerson say. "It's in my hand hon." Gosh he's such a goof. "Ok I'll be right here." You grin as he says that.


"Babe give me my hat!" He says pouting. "Kiss me" you say giggling. "Y/n I'm serious I need my hat!" He says trying to get it from you. "Not until you kiss me" you say sitting on the bed. "I look gross without my hat, I want to kiss you with it on so I don't look gross." He says this and you blush. "Emerson Barret Kropp you are not gross! You are one of the most complex and beautiful people I've ever seen. I love you. Now kiss me!" You say pulling him onto the bed. "I've been wounded!" He says jokingly before he kisses you. You place the hat on his head gently and hug him tight.


"Honey, I want a piggy back ride." You say, gently rubbing his back. "Ok hold on hon." He says while getting up. "Can I put on some music?" You say getting on his back. "Yes. Panic! At the disco please." He says as you click on your music app. "Of course" you say softly. He dances around with you on his back. "Cmon, Cmon with everything falling down around me, I'd like to believe, in all the possibilities" he sings along with the song. You smile.


You guys are lying in bed after a night of singing and dancing. He hugs you close. You can't help but lay your head on his chest. "Emerson?" You say. "Yes ma chèrie?" You haven't heard that nick name yet today. You smile. "Do you think we should go to sleep?" "Yes, good night love you!" He says "Night Emerson, love you too." You say drifting off to sleep.

Ma Chèrie (Hold me in your arms)Where stories live. Discover now