The little things that you do to me

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Your pov

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Your pov

You walk outside for your morning cup of cocoa and what do you see? Emerson in the pool in his pajamas and his favorite hat. He still looks great. Even if he is freezing his tail off it's only 58° outside at the moment. He must be ice cold.


"Em get out of there before you get hypothermia. We live in Canada. Not Florida!" You yell. "Ok, I'm not cold but I want to stay healthy if not for me, for you." He gets out of the pool. You wrap him in a towel and kiss his cheek. He is ice cold. "Babe you're gonna get sick." You say. You make him some cocoa as he gets changed. He comes out shirtless. "Where is your shirt? You are still ice cold. I can feel it on your skin." You say lovingly. "Shirts are overrated. I want to stay comfy." He says he makes you blush. You kiss him as he dips you back in true Emerson fashion. "Damn you are a good kisser." You say running the back of your hand down his face. It's the little things that make it all worthwhile. "You are too ma chèrie." He says.


He comes from your shared room with a rose and a note.

You are like gushing I've this

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You are like gushing I've this. You really can't believe your eyes. He kisses you so softly and beautifully. You can't help but squirm around with joy. You jump into his arms as you kiss him. He was expecting you to do that. He runs is hands through your hair as you kiss. It is so surreal. "Love I cant see myself with anyone but you." He whispers in your ear. He kisses your cheek again and you scrunch your nose in delight.


He is so sweet. You can never imagine what life would be like without him. And you hoped never will.

Y'all one of my best friends Lora just published her first book. It's an awesten knight fanfic. G check her out HerronsPanda

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