My sweetness

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Emerson's pov

We sit backstage. 30 minutes until we go on. And I get to bring y/n on stage for a few songs in the set. "Ladies and gents, Emerson has an announcement!" Remington says handing me the mic. "I need a very special someone to come onto stage with me. I will be right back." I say into the mic putting it on a stand and leaving stage. As I grab y/n's hand and take her to stage I hear the crowd chanting my name. It's still a strange feeling. "Guys, my soon to be wife!" I say and they shout out how much they love us. What an amazing feeling. I kiss her and sit back down. Her sitting next to me with a mic as we lead into ma chèrie.


We finish the show and she comes off of stage with me. Now we have meet and greet with all of the fans. Delilah and y/n do it with us. We figured it would be a good idea. It was. They both loved it. The fans loved meeting them.


We all settled in after the show. I drew, Delilah cooked, y/n organized, Remington danced, Sebastian and Louis acted stupid, and well Danny he just watched Remington Leith. Everyone can tell they like one another. It's only a matter of time. They will be together soon enough.


I slow dance with y/n as the night draws to a close. I love her. I can't believe I have her. I'm so lucky. We go to bed and as we drift off she says "I love you my boy." And I just bring her closer.

Ma Chèrie (Hold me in your arms)Where stories live. Discover now