Here with me

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Emerson's pov

Here she comes! I can't wait to show her. She is gonna love it. "My beautiful muse. I made a song about us as teens. We have known each other for 6 years and we are 20. I love you." I say smiling. "I love you too. I can't wait to be your wife. I love how long we have known each other." She states making my heart burst.


Hours later and my girl and I are sitting on the couch watching our favorite Disney movies and cuddling. We were currently watching Peter Pan. Then, something beautiful happened. "Can I go on tour with you and like maybe be a part of the tour team? I can't bear being away from you."  Y/n says and I almost tear up hearing her say it. "Yes absolutely, lets call Remington Leith and Sebastian Danzig. I can't be away from you either my love." I say my heart all warm and fuzzy.


It's been an amazing day. My fiancée will be on tour with us in a few days. And tomorrow at 7 am E.S.T. we are dropping side B of boom boom room. "Y/n thank you for coming on tour with us in a few days. I can't wait. You will love it and the soldiers of the royal council already love you." I say hugging her close as she makes us our pasta for dinner. "Thank you Emerson for letting me come with you. I love you and the band. This will be an amazing opportunity!" She says kissing my cheek.


"Good morning baby!" She says at 5 am. It's so early. I can't wait for y'all to hear side b though. "Morning love." I smile and kiss her cheek as we get up to get ready to go to the studio.


"ALBUM DROP IN 3 2 1" we all go crazy. The rest of the morning is an excited blur.

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