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Your pov

I can't wait for Delilah to move across the street from me. She is one of my absolute best friends. "Emmy, my love, where are you?" I ask. I hear giggles come from the empty bunk. I'm so confused. I've been out with Daniel getting food for about an hour. We are in North Carolina now. I hear his feet hit the ground. "Go look in the empty bunk!" he says with a huge smile. "SURPRISE!!!! I'm going on tour with you!" DELILAH says. I start sobbing happy tears hugging her. I really missed her. "Oh my God lilah I missed you so much. And you're here and not leaving and then moving in across from me!" I'm crying harder now.


My best friend is here. Oh my God.



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"Delilah Ann I missed you! Are you ready for the show?!?!?! I can't believe you're here." I say now that I'm not crying. Emerson smiles his adorable smile. "Surprised?" He asks me. "Emerson you did not! Ohmygodmybestfriendisherbecauseofmyfiancèe I LOVE YOU!" I say all jumbled. "I love you too ma chèrie." He says.


Delilah and I just sit hugging for 20 minutes. I missed her. "Dude I missed you so much." She says "I missed you more lilah."

Ma Chèrie (Hold me in your arms)Where stories live. Discover now