Love me today

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Emerson's pov

"Good morning my muse!" I say as my beautiful angel of a fiancée walks into the kitchen to get a cup of cocoa. "Hey babe you're up early!" She says kissing my cheek. "Now I want a real kiss" I say with a smile on my face. Man she was beautiful. Stunning even. "Ok" she says as she turns around I pick her up and she kisses me. That's exactly what I always need. A good kiss from my girl. I look on Snapchat and this is what I see.....

 I look on Snapchat and this is what I see

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It's on her story. That's our dog. Her name is Mrs infamous. For very clear reasons. "Aww you're so adorable!" I hear y/n say. I blush instantly. "You are the real adorable one. I'm just meh." I say physically sweeping her off her feet.


"Em you are not meh. You are absolutely gorgeous" I hear my girl say. "You are too good to me baby." I smile and say. "You treat me like a queen you can't even talk!" She states. "Yeah I guess" I say. I can always do better for her. She's mine and she's not going anywhere. I can treat her even better. She might yell at me though.


I take her to our room so we can lay down. I'm tired and so if she. It's 12:30 in the morning on Sunday. I have had her in my arms since 7:15 Saturday morning. Of course I put her down quickly for a moment or two. Only a moment or two.


I had to make sure she knew I was never gonna leave. "I will never leave you" I whispered in her ear. She turns and kisses me. "The same goes for you my pirate" she says whilst she kisses my hand. I had to have her know I meant everything I said when I proposed. The ring I gave her symbolizes my love.

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