Your smile

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Emerson's pov

She is so beautiful. I really am the luckiest man alive. She is amazing. My best friend and my fiancée get to be the same person. "Baby, I'm not feeling well" I say. I just feel like I'm going to throw up. "Awwww love. You took care of me. Now it's time for me to take care of you." She says, gently rubbing your back. "Thank you babe" I say kissing her cheek. "Of course honey. It's my job to take care of you now." She says with a smile on her face.


I feel pretty bad still but she has made it her mission to take care of me. "Baby boy how are you feeling?" She says softly "still not great but better. I think it's because I have such an amazing care taker." I say placing my had on her cheek. "Ok baby. I'm gonna call Remmy to come get us so we can get you to the doctor. Let me know if you need anything while I'm on the phone and I will get it." She says this so sweetly and oh my god this is why you love her so much. "Ok my love." She walks to the guest room and calls my older brother. "Hey, Remmy em is sick and complaining or stomach pain can you take us to the doctor? Thanks. Love you bro. See you soon." She hangs up and comes back over to me. "He's on his way. We should get you ready to leave." She says as she runs her hand down my face. "Thank you babe. You know just how to take care of me."


My brother gets to the house and carries me to the car. He's so good to us. "Come on, buckle up." Remington says as we get settled in the car. "Thanks again rem, I don't know what we'd do without ya." Y/n says "Not a problem. I've taken care of both of you now. And I'd do it again." He says lovingly.


Turns out I just ate something that did agree with me. But I'm glad I had these two to help me.

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