Under the street lights

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Your pov

Tour starts tomorrow. I really can't wait. My fiancée my soon to be brothers in law all of us. Just together for months. "Morning babe!" You hear Emerson says excited. God he's adorable. "Morning my love." I say softly. He's always happy the day before tour and now that we are going together even better.


"Emerson where are the hat boxes I want to keep the hats safe!" You shout slightly because he is in a different room. "In my closet on the middle shelf of the hat shelf. Thank you y/n." He says loud yet still gently. He's just soft.


Emerson fell asleep on the couch when we finally settled in. He is so tired from all of our errands. We had to pack. Go get food. Clean. Pack the hats. Put together travel bags. All of the traveling things. "Emerson wake up hon. We need to eat." I say tapping his shoulder. "Ok can we have pancakes?" He says very clearly still tired. "Of course honey." I say in a loving tone.


We eat and sit down to watch movies. He puts on Pirates of the Caribbean. We watch 3 of them and then I put on Alice in Wonderland. We watch it glued to the screen. He cuddles up to me and gives me a sweet long kiss. I love him so, so much. He is mine I am never leaving him. Tour is in 10 hours. We leave at 5 am. Good lord it's early to leave but they are picking us up. He opens up his briefcase and starts drawing a picture for me.


I love him so much. Tour is in 7 hours. I can't wait. He said I can come on stage with them and help out. I'm so excited.

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