Oh today

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Emerson's pov

It's tour day!!!! Y/n awakens and kisses my cheek. I love how affectionate she is. "It's 4:30 am and we leave in 30 minutes." We grab our bags and coffee. We start to load the tour bus. She hugs me tight and kisses me long and sweet. Yeah that's my fiancée. " I love you." I whisper in her ear and she whispers back. " I love you too."  Now let's get this show on the road. Boom boom room side B served up live.


My girl has her stuff on the bus in her bunk. She is so happy. I love seeing her this way. She is very radiant for 6 am.


We all go to sleep as we drive. The guys are all goofing around but me, I'm holding my girl tight. She is mine. She should never feel unsafe. "Hey babe how are you doing so far?" I ask as she nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck. "I'm doing good baby, what about you? She says gently. "I'm good, even better that you are here ma chèrie." I say kissing her cheek.


Her friend Delilah is meeting us at stop 3 so she could come on tour with us. She is going to be so surprised! I can't wait for her to see lilah. They haven't seen each other in 4.5 months.


I get off the bus and grab chips at the rest stop. She doesn't know about lilah but she knows there is an empty bunk. She doesn't know for who yet. Can't wait to show her.

Ma Chèrie (Hold me in your arms)Where stories live. Discover now