To make you fall in love with me

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"Emmy! I don't feel too good!" You shout from bed as your fiancée rushes in the room "what's wrong my muse?" He says with a look or concert on his face "my head hurts real bad babe" you mumble clearly in pain. He winces as he hears the pain in your voice "Do you want some Advil and coffee y/n?" He asks making sure you are ok. "Maybe. I don't know. I want cuddles that's a non-starter" you say voice cracking in pain "ok baby. Hold on one moment."  You hear him on a call in a nearby room "Hey R..Rem y/n isn't feeling well. Can you come bring some Tylenol and maybe some Advil? She wants me to lay with her. I would do anything for her. She is the one I truly love with all of my heart....... Th..thanks big bro. Love you"


"Aw babe'd do that f..for me?" You say shakily "Of course. You are my everything. I want to be your protector." He says making your heart burst. He really has a way with words. "Thank you my love" you say as he climbs in bed pulling you in close. He knows exactly how to make you feel better. "Not a problem at all ma chèrie. Now Remmy is on his way with some medicine to make you feel better."


You hear a small knock at the door, it's your future brother in law Remington Leith. He comes in and hugs you both. "Here you go y/n I really hate to hear you don't feel well" you smile "thanks rem I really appreciate it" Emerson says with joy in his eyes "now you two relax, feel better y/n"


You two ended up falling asleep while cuddling. It made your head feel better though. "Hey Emmy-bear can you please kiss me, I need a kiss." He presses his lips on yours, grabbing your hands as he does so. He's really a romantic. "Better?" He asks breaking the kiss. "Much" you say gently. Man you love him. "Ma chèrie, I love you to the ends of the universe and back. The moon is too close." He says gently pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Thank God you said yes, I don't know what I would do if you didn't" he says making you blush.


It's hours later now, you are still not feeling great so Emerson calls in another favor. "Baby I'm be right back" he says walking to the guest room. "Hey yeah she still isn't feeling good. She feels a bit better but only a bit. What should I do? It scares me when she is in pain. I hate seeing her suffer. Ok. Thank you so much Remington. It means a lot. It really does. Ok see you soon." He walks back into the bedroom climbing back into bed. "Remmy is gonna take us to the doctor. He's driving so I can lay with you in the back and keep you safe." He says this gently making you feel so loved, not only by Emerson but by his family too. "Thank you baby. I really can't stress how much that means to me. You called him so you can protect me in the back. You are so freaking precious."


Remington takes us to the doctor so that I can get checked out. "Keep it clean back there" Remington says jokingly, Emerson just sighs "what ever Remmy, thanks again" he says. This is the man you get to spend your whole life with. How did you get so lucky? He kisses you on your head and hugs you tighter "love how do you feel?" Emerson says care in his tender voice.


Turns out you just have a bad migraine. It should go away soon.

Ma Chèrie (Hold me in your arms)Where stories live. Discover now