Oh so crazy

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Emerson's pov

2 days until Delilah shows up. She texts me and tells me how her and y/n met. They met at a camp. They became friends over the fact that y/n dropped her Panic! At the Disco water bottle. Delilah her her say "no my panic water bottle! Oh good it's not broken!" Lilah loves panic and apparently was like "did you say panic! Like Panic! At the Disco?!" They talked for hours and became life long friends.


Remington knocks on the wall next to my bunk. Clearly he wants me. "Open the curtain rem." I say. "Emerson, there's my little brother. When are you..." he turns to a whisper. "Bringing in Delilah." I whisper back. "The show in North Carolina." He giggles and yanks me off of the bunk. "I can get her favorite foods if you give me a list." He says. "Thank you so much Remington. Thanks for helping making her feel at home." I say happily.


"Em? Where are you?" My girl asks. "I'm in my bunk my love!" I say. "Come out of the bunk and come hang out with us." She says. Someone is in a great mood. And I'm not joking. "Ok!" I say climbing out of my bunk. She kisses me on the cheek. We walk to the couch and sit down.


We go get lunch. We stopped at Jonny Rockets. I got a burger to share with y/n. "I love you baby." She whispers in my ear. "I love you too ma chèrie." I whisper back.


She gets a text. It's from Delilah.

She tells Delilah about how we are just sitting on the bus

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She tells Delilah about how we are just sitting on the bus. She is so happy to text lilah. They are best friends. Delilah announces that she is moving.


Delilah and y/n get on the phone and Delilah tells my girl that she is moving the week after tour ends. She is moving to the apartment next to ours. Y/n is now sobbing happy tears. She can't wait to see her best friend. "Ok lil I gotta go we have a show in 20. Love you. I'll text you after." She hangs up the phone.


After the show we do meet and greet and then go to the bus. Y/n and lilah text back and forth and I fall asleep in my bunk.

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