Feelings towards each other - episode 1

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before this episode starts, remember i'm a new writer and don't have the best skills, i simply do this for fun, thanks !

Momo's diary, Page 16 , Entry 4

lately a lot of unwanted incidents have happened, the invasion at our camp, invasion of our training and the most important was Bakugo's kidnapping. Ever since I joined one of the best schools in Japan (UA Highschool) my life has changed, I made weird friends that mean the whole world to me but I also had terrible struggles, my self confidence has been damaged.. but.. but... Todoroki.. he... ? ...he actually helped me stand up.. I haven't felt this feeling in such a long time... most boys that confessed to me were only because of my body or because of my family's big fortune, but Todoroki wouldn't do that, he already has an amazing fortune since his father is the number one hero. I can't fully know what he is thinking, but he always seems so careless but at the same time so determined, i feel weird when I see myself around him, but I enjoy his company, I may be the one talking most of the time but i really enjoy his company.


Todoroki's POV

Nothing has been changing in my mind, i guess. the same feelings have always stayed in my head, be the best hero, show my old man that i am capable of surpassing him with no need to use his disgusting quirk. nothing has changed besides a small thought that has been popping in my head here and there, this feeling or thought is always about the same person, Momo Yaoyorozu. There is something about her that makes me feel okay, not numb. She is just cute, sweet and extremely smart, i haven't really seen such a girl in a very long time ago.

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