Things can change - Episode 9

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Momo's POV

I woke up to the sound of Bakugo screeching, I blinked and stared at the window while my head was exploding with pain since I've been crying loudly the last night. Even thought it's only been 3 days after my breakdown things between me and Todoroki have been terrible and really awkward, Jirou has noticed and has asked me about it, but I simply said that nothing was wrong and that she probably was just imagining things. I can't believe I'm actually lying to my best friend about what has been happening between Todoroki and me, but it's probably just for the best. I sat down on my giant bed and stretched my arms, and then stood up and walked to the mirror and stared at my sad reflection, my eyes had some eye bags, my hair was really messy and my cheeks were pale as a white petal, I looked sick and tired, but that's actually how I felt ever since what happened. I decided to brush my hair quickly so I could go have breakfast, when I was done I opened my door and went outside.

Outside, it looked like the usual, Kirishima was teasing Bakugo about something I don't know, Kaminari and Jirou were talking, Sero was playing a board game with Mina, Hagukare and Koda, Sato was baking cupcakes while Mineta ranted about something perverted, Ojiro was simply eating cereal in one of the tables accompanied by Aoyama looking at himself in the reflection of the window, Shoji was looking at something in his phone with Tokoyami by his side, Iida was scolding Midoriya for something I don't and won't understand,Tsuyu and Uraraka were watering some plants    and finally Todoroki.. he was sitting alone in one of the tables with a paper and a pencil or pen, but I didn't want to look at him, I wasn't mad at him, I was just embarrassed to even look at him.
"Hi Momo-San !" Uraraka enthusiastically said as she waved her hand at me, while her other hand was holding a glass of water for the plants.
"Good Morning Momo !" Tsuyu greeted me with her adorable smile not letting go of the glass of water in her hands.
Everyone else simply said good morning, other didn't even reply and some just waved. Todoroki did the second thing I mentioned.
"Ah, morning everyone!" I said and forced a smile
"Yaomomo!" Jirou flinged herself towards me and hugged me, that was unexpected from her
"Morning Jirou !" I patted her short hair
"Why did you wake up so late ?" She poked her head out of my chests "Thats really unusual from someone like you.."
my heart skipped a beat, maybe Jirou knew about how such a brat I was to Todoroki ?! Maybe she knew that my sadness has gotten the best of me ?!
"I simply.." I looked away in the distance to try and avoid Jirou's eyes "I don't know honestly, maybe I was tired because of yesterday."
"Oh that makes sense, Friday's training was tiring" she separated her small body from mine "Let's go have breakfast"
"Please tell me you have already eaten"
"Oh of course I have, I—" "Jirou ! Isn't this the singer you talked about?" Someone yelled
"Shut up, I'm coming !" Jirou left, she didn't even say goodbye to me.
I sadly gazed at the table, Ojiro had finished his cereal, so I was basically alone.

Todoroki's POV

Momo is sitting alone in one of the tables, it's so sad to see her so lonely, not even her "best friend" is there for her, everyone forgets that she exists, and only talk to her when they need help or want something.. except for Uraraka, Tsuyu , Iida and probably Midoriya. I talk to her because I want her to be close to me, but things haven't been working at all, I've been stressing myself about how I should apologize and what will soon come of our relationship, it's painful to think that my actions represent my old man's. I'm trying to write her a letter, make it cute and invite her to somewhere.. i don't know where that somewhere is tho, our relationship always consisted of Momo taking me to cool places or us having our sexual moments, I never thought or asked Momo of what she actually wanted to do or where she wanted to go. I was terrible, and I probably still am. Why a letter ? It's so dumb and cliché, and trying to make it cute is also such a hideous idea.


"Don't you think Yaomomo and Todoroki are acting strangely ?" Uraraka said as she closed her bedroom door
"Maybe something has been happening between them ? Ribbit" Tsuyu said while sitting in Uraraka's simple bed
"I don't know, maybe Jirou knows" Uraraka turned to Tsuyu "I've been having this odd feeling that everyone is changing, Todoroki and Momo have changed the most"
"Momo was always happy and bubbly, lately she's been acting as if someone is trying to hunt her down" Tsuyu reassured " Todoroki is always numb and emotionless, but lately it seems that he is sad or angry"
"Tsu, you haven't changed." Uraraka smiled "You always speak your mind without hesitation"
"Ochako you haven't changed either" Tsuyu stood up and hugged Uraraka "But I'm truly worried for Momo and Todoroki"
"I am too" Uraraka hugged Tsuyu tighter "I'm scared that they will change forever"

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