Momo's diary - episode 8

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Page 79 , entry 14

In a recent night Todoroki did some things to me I didn't ask for, he touched me in places I didn't allow him to and I'm starting to think that I'm selfish because I never let him do what he wants to me without me crying or complaining, I'm such a terrible girlfriend.. I don't deserve him. Our relationship has been falling apart and it's mostly my fault, my mother and my father raised me to believe sexual encounters weren't something to value in a relationship, it was more of where you took your partner and how you treated him and those encounters were only a little add to the relationship, my parents don't know about our relationships and I don't plan to tell them anytime soon if our relationship keeps going downhill. Kyoka Jirou told me to choose what I wanted and not let myself be manipulated in any way by anyone, but I think that thinking that Todoroki is trying to manipulate me is something really selfish to do and a pathetic excuse for a conflict.

Todoroki is such an amazing person but has a lot of pride in himself, I'm not sure if  it's because of his extraordinary quirk or because of how self-confident he is.. knowing that makes me wonder if he will ever apologize about what happened... what am I thinking ? That was all my fault, all of this is my fault, Todoroki probably wants to end our relationship as soon as possible.. maybe that's the best choice ? I don't want him to get hurt because of me, and I don't want him to feel guilty because of my immature tantrums, unless he actually wants to try again ?

What's the good side of breaking up with someone who you love so dearly ? Maybe that you are going to be able to visit your friends more or maybe that you won't worry anymore about dates and anniversaries ? Those are literally the only good things I can think of. I have a huge list of the bad things of a breakup; feeling lonely, feeling sad, missing him, not having someone to call yours, not having someone hug you from behind, missing that someone that will always be there for you.. and I can think of way more but my hand is way too weak and tired.. just like me..

I am sorry Todoroki.
I love him.
But I don't want to hurt him.
I need to end this for good.

This was hard to write lmao
Anyways, thanks so hecking much for all your support and feedback ❤️🥺

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