The Tutoring - Episode 2

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"Alright, this is all of the material you will need to learn for the next test"
Next to Mr.Aizawa was a board full of unclear algebra, some badly drawn numbers, white marks of chalk and unclear writing.  Nobody could understand, not even Midoriya, Bakugo or Todoroki could understand, actually the only person who could actually understand what the tired teacher wrote was the one and only Momo Yaoyoruzu, the class' most smartest student.  She was already making practices in her notebook to do at home. 

Meanwhile, all the students were confused. Some no matter how many times they read the board, they simply can't understand (Except Mina, she was just staring into space)

After class as expected a train of students came after Momo asking for help to study, she, excited, accepts and tells them to meet her in her room after class. (Bakugo, Tsuyu, Uraraka, Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki didn't ask for Momo's help)

Momo's diary, page 17, entry 5

Today was such a lovely day !  Aizawa Sensei showed us some easy algebra and basic algebra problems, surprisingly almost nobody understood so they all came to ask me to help them ! It was so cool to teach them this subject and I enjoyed every second of it, I love teaching them new things.


There is a soft knock on Momo's door, she surprised leaves her fancy pen in her desk and goes to answer, it was Todoroki.    "Todoroki-kun, what are you doing here at this hour ?"  "Is it too late ? I'm sorry" "It's fine no worries, can I help you with anything ? " "I tried understanding Mr.Aizawa's explanation for some hours, I just couldn't get it" Todoroki puts his hands in his back "Can you help me ?" he said with a hesitant voice, Momo was shook, she puts her hand closed in a fist in front of her chest, she couldn't believe Todoroki couldn't understand and that he was actually asking her for help.

Todoroki's POV

Heck, I made her uncomfortable. It was obsolete to ask her for help in such a late hour, maybe I should go. She isn't saying anything..,

Momo's POV

Oh my god, Todoroki is asking me for help ? What should I say ? What if I get too nervous and ruin everything ? I'm really tired, maybe I should say no.. but if I say no he will probably have a bad image of me, I can't let that happen... this is really bad what should I do ?!  I'll say yes ?

"I'm sorry, I'll go" Todoroki turned around "H-Hey don't worry ! I'll help you ! I love teaching." Todoroki turned to face Momo, Momo's face was a bit red, but even tho her nerves were strong, she managed to give Todoroki a sweet and innocent smile. Todoroki didn't feel numb after that smile, he felt okay. "Come in!" Momo made a gesture for Todoroki to enter her room, and he did just that.

Some hours passed by and they both finished studying, they were both hungry and tired.  Momo tried to hide her tiredness but constantly failed. "Are you okay ?" Todoroki asked "I'm fine, just a bit hungry" "Oh I have this" Todoroki got out a Poki box, they were all new and big, as momo saw this she instantly opens her eyes widely and turns red.

Momo's POV

WHAT ? He is asking me to play the poki game with him ?! What is this ?! Is this my chance ?! Is this some type of joke I don't understand ?! Oh my god ! What do I say ?!


"Hey are you okay ?" Todoroki opened the Poki box "You are all red, want me to take you to Recovery Girl ?" "N-No!" "Maybe you are just hungry" Todoroki puts a Poki in his mouth and faces Momo, Momo is as red as ever. Before Todoroki could say anything Momo closed her eyes and entered her mouth in the other side of the Poki.

Todoroki's POV

What is she doing ? Is she trying to eat my Poki ? Maybe she is just joking..what a weird joke, Momo just took a bite in the Poki.. what is this weird joke ?

"What are you doing ?" Momo got off the Poki and puts her hand in front of her mouth "Y-You wanted to play t-the Poki game" Momo stuttered "Poki game ?, what is that ?" Momo explained the rules and what the game consisted of. "Do you actually want to try it ?"

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