Desire - Episode 3

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My apologies for not posting, motivation has been dead lately. I'll be back to usual soon :"D

"What ?" Momo stuttered, her hand clutching strongly her chest.
"Want to play the actual Poki game ?" Todoroki was embarrassed and red as a tomato. He was playing with the open box, he didn't want to appear vulgar, he just had that... desire.
"W-Why do you ask ?"
"You went for that the second I got the Poki in my mouth"
"Do you want to or, not ?"
Todoroki just realized how his vocabulary has changed, his desire was getting to the top of him, he couldn't help it.
"I-I don't—"
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me." Todoroki looked away as he putted the Poki on his mouth and stared into space, silently hoping that Momo would not say anything about this embarrassing incident. He was embarrassed and mad with himself, he blew his chance with the most prettiest girl in the class.

Todoroki's POV

I blew it. This is great. Shoto, you just blew your tiny chance with this beautiful girl. You disgusting pervert, I can't believe I am actually acting like that Mineta.. this desire is getting the best of me.

Momo's POV

WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! From studying to him begging me to play such a romantic game with him... how vulgar of him ! ....       I actually went for it, he didn't even ask me to, and I went directly to his mouth and his stick, is this what... desire feels like ? This is a one chance thing, if I want to be closer to him, this is the first move. 

Momo tapped Todoroki's cold shoulder, he turned around and Momo bit the other side of the Poki stick, once again.    Todoroki blinked confused, but didn't dare to say a word, he just continued to stare at Momo. She took the first bite, He took the second bite, She took the third bite, he took the fourth bite and Momo took the fifth bite, it was up to Todoroki to bite the Poki and risk the chance of not actually meeting mouths, the truth was he had his desire as strong as a flame.

Todoroki's POV

I can't help it. I need to lick her lips. I need to get a closer look at her. I need her. I want her. I need her.

Todoroki took the last bite and their mouths met. Momo was in shock and closed her eyes as Todoroki simply made the kiss more and more passionate.

Momo's POV

He is kissing me...! He is kissing me,,. I can't believe this.. he is holding my face now and he is doing it softly but hard at the same time.. it doesn't bother me.. what's happening to me ?!

Finally  the kiss stopped, Todoroki pulled his lips away from Momo's and simply stared at her, waiting for a possible slap. He couldn't believe the thing he did, but he simply couldn't help it, he didn't feel guilt, he felt pleased.   "Does—" Momo touched her lips lightly "This mean we are dating ?" She felt her heart drop out of her chest as soon as she said those words, "I—" Todoroki stared at Momo's dark eyes "I guess" Momo couldn't help but to smile, she didn't know why she felt happy but she simply has such a incredibly beautiful feeling after he said "yes" (he didn't really say yes but "I guess" is basically a yes)

"Can we do it again ?"
This time Momo pulled Todoroki in for the kiss.
This is the start of something, they don't even know what type of love to call it, so let's just name it "untitled".   


Word count: 631
Time taken: 20 minutes
Credits: Me for the writing, art found on Pinterest.


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