Aizawa - Episode 13

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A teacher and two students were sitting in a office, the office was clean and smelled like vanilla, but one was tense.
"Remember when Yaoyorozu fell down the stairs ?" Aizawa said
"You told me something else"
Momo kept silent
"You told me something about you touching Yaoyorozu without her consent" Momo flinched and looked at Todoroki, her eyes were surprised and sad
"Yes sir"
"Mind to explain now that we have Yaoyorozu here with us ?"
"Sensei, excuse me, but He didn't do anything wrong !"
"Yaoyorozu quiet !"
She once again looked at Todoroki sadly, but he didn't look back.
"I touched her when she didn't want me to, and I made her cry multiple times"
The teacher let out a disappointed sigh and turned his view to the girl
"What happened Yaoyorozu ?"
" Nothing serious happened ! I was just scared about doing it for the first time ..." Momo let out a fake smile
"It's painfully obvious that you are lying"
"It was my mistake, Yaoyorozu"

"Todoroki Shoto, you have done a terrible act that made me loose my respect for you. Doing something like this would make you immediately loose your title as a hero. You can also get charged for rape, sexual harassment or sexual assault by Yaoyorozu."

"I understand"
The teacher turned his eye to the student, expecting an answer.

" I won't be pressing any charges."
"Are you sure ?"
"Yes sir, I'm sure"
The teacher nodded
"Todoroki , if this happens again, you will get expelled. I'm not expelling you since Yaoyorozu won't be pressing any charges, now get out of my office."

Then both students left.

They both walked to Momo's room, Todoroki entered first, and then Momo locked the door and went inside.
Todoroki was sitting in the luxurious bed while staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry"
Momo putted her hand up her chest
"No..." she turned her eyes away "you didn't anything.. it's fine"
Momo sat besides Todoroki.
Todoroki put his head on Momo's shoulder as he silently sobbed.
Momo was surprised to see him cry. He always seemed so cold and tough.
And for Todoroki himself it was also a mystery how much he has been crying.

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